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How to cook buckwheat noodles

How to cook buckwheat noodles
How to cook buckwheat noodles

Video: How to make a non sticky buckwheat noodle in 5 minutes | Mindful Chef 2024, July

Video: How to make a non sticky buckwheat noodle in 5 minutes | Mindful Chef 2024, July

Traditional Japanese buckwheat noodles or soba requires much more labor and patience in cooking than ordinary wheat flour pasta. But soba contains fewer calories and carbohydrates, has a low glycemic index, and tasty dishes from it are obtained no less than the Italians types of famous pasta.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • 2 cups buckwheat flour;
    • 1/2 cup wheat
    • rice or soy flour;
    • 3/4 cup of water.

Instruction manual


Mix buckwheat and wheat, rice or soy flour. The dough, mixed 100% from buckwheat flour, does not have enough elasticity, it will be dry and brittle. Sift flour through a frequent sieve into a large, wide bowl.


Add water to the flour. Do not pour all the water at a time, but pour a little while mixing the dough with the fingers of one hand. As soon as you feel the familiar consistency of a not-so-cool dough, stop adding water and start kneading the dough with both hands. Knead until you make sure you get a smooth, elastic dough without a single air bubble. This should take about 10 minutes.


Sprinkle the cutting surface with any flour except buckwheat, put the dough on it and start rolling it into a thin layer using a long and thin rolling pin. Roll out the dough until it becomes a thin layer no more than 3 millimeters in height.


Take a rolled sheet of dough and fold in half lengthwise. Repeat this operation four more times.


Use a very sharp wide knife to cut a narrow strip of dough. This will be the first portion of soba noodles. Cut the dough across until it ends.


Sprinkle flour on the cutting surface once more and “grow” the noodles so that they are divided into strips.


Use a pasta machine if you have one. After rolling out the dough, insert the spaghetti nozzle and “roll” the dough layers through the machine.


Heat water in a large saucepan and boil buckwheat noodles in boiling water for no more than 1 minute if you intend to use it later or if it is required by a recipe or until cooked.


Fold the noodles into a colander. Fresh buckwheat noodles are not stored for long, no more than 3-7 days in a sealed container in a cold place.

Useful advice

In various regions of Japan, in addition to flour, various ingredients are added to buckwheat noodles. It can be green tea, dried seaweed or wild yams.

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