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How to cook beef liver: a delicious recipe

How to cook beef liver: a delicious recipe
How to cook beef liver: a delicious recipe

Video: Beef Liver Stir Fry 2024, July

Video: Beef Liver Stir Fry 2024, July

It is difficult to imagine a festive table without a meat dish. Mistresses bake chicken, pork, and make cutlets from various types of meat. But people’s beef liver is not associated with the holiday. In fact, the offal can be cooked so deliciously and beautifully that it will become the main meat dish of the feast.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • 700 g of beef liver;

  • 4 medium onions;

  • 2 green apples;

  • 100 g of sour cream and mayonnaise;

  • Vegetable oil;

  • Spices as desired.

Instruction manual


Wash the beef liver, cut into portions. Wrap each blank in cling film (otherwise you will have to wash the kitchen later) and beat off the liver with a special hammer.


Combine the beaten pieces with salt and your favorite spices.


Cut the onions into thin half rings, fry in vegetable oil, and lightly salt the vegetable during cooking.


In a convenient bowl, combine sour cream and mayonnaise.


Wash the apples, peel, chop on a grater (preferably large).


Take a piece of foil (its size should be such that you can safely wrap a portion of a piece of beef liver), grease it with vegetable oil, lay out the liver, spread the apple on top, and the onion fried on top.


Lubricate the workpiece with sour cream-mayonnaise sauce. Pack the beef liver carefully in foil.


Do the same with all portioned slices.


Place the beef liver wrapped in foil on a baking sheet and send to bake in the oven for 10 minutes at 180 ° C.


When the indicated time is up, carefully open the foil and return the beef baking sheet to the oven. The dish should obscure for another quarter hour.


Beef liver cooked according to this recipe turns out to be juicy and tasty. The dish can become a real decoration of the festive table.


If you do not really like the combination of beef liver and fruits, then you can not spread the layer of apples when baking. One onion layer and sauce will be enough to make the dish peerless.

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