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How to make candied watermelon

How to make candied watermelon
How to make candied watermelon

Video: How to Make Watermelon Rind Candy 2024, July

Video: How to Make Watermelon Rind Candy 2024, July

By mid-July, watermelons begin to ripen. Juicy pulp is eaten in an instant, and unusual candied fruit can be prepared from watermelon peels.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - watermelon - 1 pc

  • - sugar - 4 glasses

  • - water - 2 glasses

  • - sugar (for sprinkling) - 0.5 cups

Instruction manual


Slice and peel the watermelon from the crust. You can leave a small pink layer, so candied fruits will look brighter and more beautiful. Serve the watermelon pulp as usual, or you can cook something, for example, sorbet (or ice cream).


Peel the watermelon peels from a thin green peel. The process is not easy, so you will have to be patient and a peeler, which will greatly facilitate the preparation of crusts for further cooking.


Next, cut the watermelon peels prepared in this way into slices half a centimeter thick. Put them in an enameled pan and pour water so that all chopped watermelon peels are only covered with water.


Put the pot on high heat and bring the water to a boil. Boil for 10 minutes, adjusting the fire as you wish, making sure that water does not pour out of the pan. Remove from heat. Drain the water.


Then pour two cups of sugar with two glasses of water, cook over low heat until sugar dissolves and another 5 minutes. Pour the watermelon peels with the syrup obtained, cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat and leave the crust for 12 hours soaked in syrup.


The procedure of boiling in the syrup and cooling over the next 12 hours is repeated 5-6 times until all the syrup is completely absorbed into the watermelon crusts.


After the syrup does not remain at all, roll each crust in sugar, and then put them in one layer, one slice per sheet, it is better perforated, but you can also take a whole, covered with parchment.


Dry candied fruit in the air for 3 to 5 days. After the candied fruits have dried sufficiently, transfer them to a glass jar and close the lid.


Candied fruit from watermelon peels can be served as tea for dessert, you can add chopped candied fruit to cottage cheese, to dough for muffins, etc.

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