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How to fry chicken in a pan

How to fry chicken in a pan
How to fry chicken in a pan

Video: The Perfect Pan-Fried Chicken, According to Charles Gabriel | Food Skills 2024, July

Video: The Perfect Pan-Fried Chicken, According to Charles Gabriel | Food Skills 2024, July

Fried chicken in a pan is an ordinary dish for many families. This is partly due to the fact that the product is available both financially and in terms of presence in many convenience stores. Partly - because the chicken in this form is really tasty, fragrant and juicy, especially if you fry the parts with the skin, which protects the pieces from loss of juice, but at the same time provides the bird with a crisp. And from such a combination - juicy pulp and fragrant crust - is anyone able to refuse ?!


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - A hen;

  • - garlic;

  • - vegetable oil;

  • - salt;

  • - spices;

  • - knives;

  • - cutting board;

  • - a frying pan.

Instruction manual


Buy the whole chicken or any part, since now the chicken cut is presented in stores as widely as possible. When choosing a carcass, pay attention to the skin color and fat content of the bird. Some manufacturers offer products sealed in color bags. It is believed that this is a marketing move that attracts consumers. But a potential buyer who thinks he is taking a refrigerated display case will still prefer to see the product first. So the advertising of color bags is doubtful. The skin on the chicken carcass should be a pleasant milky yellow color, without hematomas and areas of significant browning. As for fat content, it is better, of course, to choose packages where the chicken is leaner.


If there is no desire to cut the carcass into pieces, immediately buy those parts that are more preferable. The days when the children were arguing about who got the leg and who some other part had sunk into oblivion. Now, if desired, legs can go to everyone. When choosing them in a store, decide what is more relevant for you: a ham, or maybe a shin or hip separately. Red meat lovers know that small "round" tibia is the most delicious, while the hips - definitely, have a more favorable combination of pulp and bone. Men traditionally prefer ham, consisting of both, and the other - a strong sex can be understood, because the average weight of such ham is 300-350 g, there is something to eat!


Are you going to fry a chicken breast in a pan in the evening? There is nothing easier. Take it either whole (in a store it may be called "on a frame") or a filet. Both one and the other have stalwarts. Someone rightly believes that the whole breast is sold with skin, which means that it is guaranteed not to be dry after frying. And someone is sure that they’ll fry well without skin, the main thing is not to over-hold the chicken in a pan.


In some cases, for example, if you are collecting a beer party, buy wings. They can be deliciously fried until golden brown, then there will be no need to “compose” some other hot appetizer, because even a large company will have enough wings! When choosing these parts of a chicken cut, carefully look at the production date and expiration date. They are disassembled a little slower than hips and legs, it is very important not to take “hanging” goods from the counter, otherwise you will get absolutely nothing except disappointment. Do not cook the same smelling wings for friends!


Whatever you buy for frying - chicken carcass, ham, drumsticks, thighs, breast or wings before cooking, remove the packaging, wash, dry and let the bird lie for a few minutes “without everything”. Turn the carcass over onto the breast and with a sharp knife cut the spinal part, acting with cutting and sawing movements, first on one side, then on the other side of it. For some reason, earlier, when frying, they cut the breast and was already so spread out in a pan. It makes more sense to cut a ridge. Firstly, it contains very little meat and is not very suitable for this method of cooking, it’s much tastier to cook the broth with it, the vertebrae will give extractives, the broth will be saturated. Secondly, flattening a chicken is still much easier without a ridge. It is better to remove the extreme phalanges of the wings and excess fat from the carcass. (All cut pieces can be put in a bag and put in the freezer.) From non-greasy legs and breasts intended for frying in a pan, as a rule, nothing needs to be cut further. Cut the thigh fillet (if you purchased red meat without bone) in small slices of 20-30 g. If desired, pan: season with salt and spices, sprinkle with flour, dip in a beaten egg and roll in ground breadcrumbs. The same can be done with breast fillet.


In fleshy chicken parts, make deep narrow cuts so that salt and spices add a distinctive taste to the whole piece, and not just outside. Make them better with a small sharp knife, wielding them like a lance. In the cuts, you can season a little garlic, passed through the press. For lack of a press, chop peeled cloves with straws and season chicken with them. Do not forget to salt, pepper, sprinkle with spices. Take the ready-made mixture, intended for cooking poultry in a pan. Or make it yourself, for example, by mixing cloves with nutmeg and turmeric. As an option - you can use any one spice, say, sweet paprika. So that your chicken does not burn during frying, it is important to observe two simple rules: take only high-quality ground spices and try to season them in cuts that were made in the pulp, seasoning, of course, also seasoning, but in very small quantities.


If you do not want this kind of sprinkle, replace it with preliminary marinating in a mixture made from vegetable oil, lemon juice and mustard. For those who love extreme culinary, mustard can be exchanged for honey. But pickling a chicken in such a marinade, watch it very carefully during frying, and the whole carcass and pieces risk being burnt. To prevent this from happening, try to turn it over often, not letting the fire finish its insidious business.


At first, fry the chicken without covering the pan with a lid. For a tasty high-quality frying, it is extremely desirable to relatively quickly form a crust, which, as it were, seals the meat and prevents the juice from coming out. If you immediately cover the chicken, the juice will inevitably come out and there will no longer be frying, but stewing. Whole chicken or chicken, fry at some point with a press to the bottom of the pan - otherwise it will fry for quite a while. Press helps to reduce cooking time, and to achieve its uniformity.


When buying whole chicken carcass, ham, breast or wings, carefully look at the date of production.

Useful advice

Having decided to fry the chicken, choose the right pan in which you are going to cook. Most suitable for frying cast iron pans.

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