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How to use a fish fork

How to use a fish fork
How to use a fish fork

Video: 1 3 The Fish Knife and Fork 2024, July

Video: 1 3 The Fish Knife and Fork 2024, July

Formal events include table setting according to all the rules of etiquette. If it is supposed to serve fish dishes, then special forks for fish should be present on the table. They are used in the same way as ordinary forks, but their appearance is somewhat different from traditional cutlery.


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There are two types of fish forks. One of them is intended for hot fish dishes. It is also called a chill fork. Another is a special fork for canned fish. Hot fish dishes should be eaten with a fish knife and chill fork, although etiquette also allows the use of a fork and a crust of bread as an auxiliary tool. A fish fork is usually less traditional. According to the rules, it has three blunt and wide teeth and a wider handle in comparison with a dessert fork.


However, modern manufacturers produce four-pronged fish forks. The teeth of the fish fork are shorter than standard cutlery. Often, four-prong fish fork manufacturers make a deep cut between two pairs of prongs. It is necessary for more effective removal of bones from fish. Three-prong forks look like Neptune's trident. Using a fish fork, it is necessary to separate the flesh from a piece of fish held with a knife, a second fork or a crust of bread, and clean it of bones and skin.


Another type of fork - a fork for canned fish such as sprats or sardines - is an auxiliary device, not the main one. This means that with its help, a person transfers the necessary amount of fish to his plate, but does not use it for food. This fork is usually made even smaller than a dessert fork or a fork for hot fish dishes. The sprat fork has a wide base. On the plug are five teeth connected by a jumper. Such a peculiar shape of a fork in the form of a scapula makes it easy to get and shift the fish without damaging or breaking it, and excess juice or oil flows through the holes between the teeth.


If you did not find a fish knife on the table, which looks like a small elongated spatula with a blunt end, then its function can be performed by a second fish fork, if any, or an ordinary fork. With its help, a piece of fish is held in place, while a special fish fork is used to separate and clean the fillet.


For cold fish snacks in the form of seafood cocktails, oysters and mussels, a special fork is also used. She has three teeth, and one of them - the left one - is longer than the others and with its help the mollusks are separated from the shell. And for crabs, crayfish and shrimp, you must use a long two-pronged fork. If you plan to serve lobster, then on the table should be a special needle.

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