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How to arrange children's dishes

How to arrange children's dishes
How to arrange children's dishes

Video: What makes a child smart? | DW Documentary 2024, July

Video: What makes a child smart? | DW Documentary 2024, July

Children love everything bright, they see something funny in everything, often continuing to play even at a meal. Of course, playing and having fun at the table is wrong, but sometimes it would be nice to raise the mood of the kids to raise their appetite. Every mother can learn to make extraordinary masterpieces from ordinary dishes, most importantly, give free rein to her imagination and return to childhood.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - a knife with a sharp end;

  • - molds for baking various figures;

  • - toothpicks;

  • - a spoon;

  • - stencils;

  • - products: boiled egg, doctor’s sausage, smoked sausage, lettuce, tomatoes, mayonnaise, ketchup, bread, olives, cheese, carrots, spaghetti, natural dyes.

Instruction manual


We are used to doing something unusual, tasty and beautiful to do for any reason - birthday, new year and other holidays. Children love celebrations, so let them rejoice more often, at the same time cheerfully killing for both cheeks the dishes you cooked, beautifully and unusually decorated. Sweets are loved by all children, but meat, porridge and vegetables are not very. If you are interested and surprise a child, he will gladly empty the plate. Often children like to make small “snacks” during the day. Therefore, you can prepare canapé sandwiches for them. The basis will be a slice of bread, which you can arrange in various ways. Next, you need to figure out what exactly you want to portray, and then in what exactly way you can do it. Cutting various shapes with a knife from sausage and cheese, you can design a children's sandwich in the form of any animal. Slices of olives will serve as eyes, which are very convenient to mount on a drop of mayonnaise.


If you plan to organize a children's holiday or just small guests, you can prepare a kind of snack for them that will raise not only your appetite, but also your mood. Children are delighted with the bright mushrooms, fly agaric, the cooking time of which does not take much time. Take a peeled boiled egg, cut the ends on both sides. Put the “legs” on the plate, making a hat on top of half a small tomato. It remains to put mayonnaise specks and lay lettuce leaves to create the illusion of a meadow. And with the help of several olives, fastened together by toothpicks and the top of greens, you can build real palm trees.


And with the help of several olives, fastened together with toothpicks and a top of greens, you can build real palm trees.


It is very convenient to cut funny figures in the form of circles, stars and hearts using baking dishes or other improvised materials. Cooked sausage, carrots, beets are very easy to cut. With the help of funny figures your soup or porridge will become fun and appetizing.

Useful advice

Do not be afraid to experiment. Imagine with your child. You can find the application of almost any household item and creativity in cooking. For example, not only cakes and pastries look interesting, but also salads, which you can sprinkle with a color-contrasting product, grated through a grater and sprinkled through a stencil. You can try to surprise your crumbs with colorful rice or spaghetti noodles, colored pasta. Dyeing them in any color is very simple and without harm to health: carrot juice will give an orange color, beets and strawberries are bright red, parsley is green.

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