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How to chop lemon

How to chop lemon
How to chop lemon

Video: How to Cut a Lemon: Cutting Lemons Slices Bartending Tutorial 2024, July

Video: How to Cut a Lemon: Cutting Lemons Slices Bartending Tutorial 2024, July

Lemon is a unique fruit that contains many useful substances, vitamins and minerals. Wise yogis daily nourish their body and soul with lemon juice, because it is believed that lemon juice calms and maintains a person’s psychological balance. However, before adding lemons to various dishes or drinks, you need to cut them. What is the best way to do this?


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Before you start a conversation about slicing lemons, you need to say a few words about choosing these fruits in a store or on the market. Almost all lemons on the market counter look the same, how do you determine their maturity? Ripe lemon can be identified by the luster of its peel. Unripe lemons are usually more dull than ripe fruits. If the lemon sparkles as if polished, then you can rest assured that you have ripe fruit in front of you. However, we would not recommend that you choose excessively ripe, that is, overripe lemons, since they lose many useful properties. Overripe fruit becomes slightly soft. If you choose between bumpy and smooth fruits, then it is believed that the thicker peel of the bumpy lemons preserves nutrients better.


So, you have acquired ripe and juicy lemons. You can cut lemons in different ways, depending on how you are going to cook them. For example, if you want to make slices of lemons and other fruits, it is best to cut lemons into thin circles. Arm yourself with a sharp knife and gently slice a lemon from one ponytail to another. When serving lemons, you can sprinkle with sugar or mint.


In the event that you want to use lemon as a decoration, for example, to decorate a dish with fish or meat with lemons, we suggest you cut beautiful flowers out of lemon. This is done very simply, but it looks incredibly impressive. You will need a small and very sharp knife. In the eye, you determine the middle of the fetus and cut it across the triangles. As a result, you should get a "belt" of triangles. The cuts should be deep enough so that at the end the lemon itself breaks up into two neat flowers.

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