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How to ferment apples

How to ferment apples
How to ferment apples

Video: Fermenting Everything - Apples 2024, July

Video: Fermenting Everything - Apples 2024, July

Many have tried soaked apples at least once in their life. Previously, this dish was much more popular, but even today, housewives who are nostalgic for their childhood do not mind fermenting a few apples. This is not difficult to do, knowing the secrets inherited from grandmothers.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • For a traditional soaked apple recipe:
    • 2 buckets of apples;
    • 1 bucket of water;
    • 1 cup of sugar;
    • 1 tbsp. l salts;
    • rye straw;
    • currant leaves.
    • For soaked apples with apple juice:
    • apple juice 1 liter;
    • 4 kg of apples;
    • 1 liter of water;
    • 200 grams of honey.

Instruction manual


Using a traditional recipe, take two buckets of small or medium-sized apples (it is preferable to use the Antonovka or Pepen varieties, or other autumn or winter varieties). Wash each thoroughly. Prepare dishes for soaked apples. It can be a tub, a basin or a large pan. At the bottom, it is advisable to lay a small layer of rye straw (as apples were fermented in Russia).


Pour water into a bucket, dilute salt and sugar. Use purified water, but you do not need to boil it.


Put the apples with the stalks up in a bowl with straw (or without it), shift the washed currant leaves over each layer of apples. Apples should lie fairly tight.


Pour apples into the prepared solution. Soaked apples will be ready in about 3 weeks, they can be stored on the balcony or on the porch (you need a cool temperature, otherwise the apples will go bad).


Try also another option for pickling apples - using juice and honey. Wash and dry the apples.


Put water on a fire and bring to a boil, cool. Add to water and dissolve honey and apple juice in it.


Put the apples in a bowl in tight rows. Pour the prepared solution, put a cloth on top of the dishes. Put a wooden board and some kind of cargo on it. Try to turn the apples over at least a couple of times during cooking for uniform cooking. Store apples in a cool place, they will be ready in about 2-3 weeks.


Pour apples with brine 5-6 centimeters above their level. Instead of rye straw, you can also lay cherry or currant leaves on the bottom of the dishes - they will add flavor to apples and replace spices.

Useful advice

It is preferable to use a wooden tub for souring apples. Pre-wash it several times - with boiling water, and then with cold water.

pickled apples recipe

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