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How to store pies

How to store pies
How to store pies

Video: #2piesbakes: How To Store Your Pies 2024, July

Video: #2piesbakes: How To Store Your Pies 2024, July

Cooking homemade muffin is a laborious and time consuming process. Perhaps that is why pies are baked infrequently, but in large numbers - so that it would be enough for both households and guests, and not for one day. And the question arises before the hostess: how to store a supply of pies so that they do not become stiff, moldy and retain their original appearance and taste.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - plastic containers;

  • - plastic bags;

  • - refrigerator with freezer.

Instruction manual


Remove the freshly baked pie, cake or roll immediately from the pan, lay on a wooden board or dish and cover with a clean, dry towel. The cake should "rest" - then it will be tasty and juicy, and it can be stored longer. Cut the warm pastry into pieces and serve.


Buns, bunnies and cheesecakes also need rest after the oven. Do not pile them up - distribute the pies on the dish so that they do not stick together and do not deform under the weight of each other.


To preserve the freshness of an open pie with fruits or berries, pour it with sour cream, whipped with sugar. Such a pie will not dry, in addition, a fermented milk product favorably emphasizes the aroma and taste of berries. Let the sweet sauce soak in and only after that cut the pastries.


Fill the pastry remaining after the meal in plastic containers with a lid or tie in plastic bags. In this form, it is successfully stored until the next meal. Pack only the fully cooled pastries, otherwise it will become damp and the dough will lose its taste.


Cut open pies into pieces and fold them in pairs, stuffing to each other. Wrap tall coulibiacs in separate pieces, otherwise the filling will fall out of them. For boxed use small breakfast bags. Wrap them tightly to block the air and prevent the chunks from hardening.


Do you want to save pies for a longer period? Place the baked plastic bags in the refrigerator. Preheat them in the oven or microwave before serving. To prevent the pies placed in the microwave from getting wet, place paper napkins under them. Warm up only the baking that you plan to eat - repeated cooling and warming will worsen its taste.


Pies are stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week. If you want to provide yourself with baking for a longer period, put it in the freezer. Wrap pies or pieces of kulebyaki in thin plastic bags or piece of parchment paper. In this form, baking can be stored for up to one and a half months. You can freeze both baked and raw pies - their taste will remain unchanged in any case.

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