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How to make a tongue salad

How to make a tongue salad
How to make a tongue salad

Video: EASY SALAD WITH BEEF TONGUE • Cалат с говяжьим языком 2024, July

Video: EASY SALAD WITH BEEF TONGUE • Cалат с говяжьим языком 2024, July

Language can be called a delicacy. Its meat is nutritious, tender and soft. In cooking, they often use beef or veal, pork less often. The tongue can be boiled, cut into small pieces and added to the aspic. It can also perfectly replace meat in salads.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • "Viennese":
    • tongue - 500g;
    • mushrooms - 100g;
    • green salad - 200g;
    • pickles - 2pcs;
    • cabbage - 200g;
    • vinegar - 1 tablespoon;
    • vegetable oil - 40g.
    • With nuts:
    • language - 1 pc;
    • garlic - 2 cloves;
    • walnuts - 100g;
    • mayonnaise.
    • Cocktail Salad:
    • tongue - 50g;
    • pickled red pepper - 20g;
    • canned green peas;
    • mayonnaise.
    • Figaro:
    • tongue - 150g;
    • onions - 1 pc;
    • carrots - 1 pc;
    • beets - 1 pc;
    • celery root;
    • green salad;
    • anchovies;
    • Tomatoes
    • mayonnaise.
    • With mushrooms and chicken:
    • boiled chicken - 200g;
    • fresh mushrooms - 100g;
    • language - 300g;
    • celery root - 1 pc.

Instruction manual


"Viennese". Wash the mushrooms and boil in salted water. Throw it in a colander. Chop the cabbage and place in the middle of the plate. On top put in the form of a chrysanthemum chopped green salad, boiled tongue, mushrooms and pickles. Salt and pepper. Dress the salad with oil and vinegar.


With nuts. Rinse the tongue thoroughly under running water, boil until tender, and peel off the film. Finely chop, pass the garlic through a press. Mix the ingredients and sprinkle with chopped walnuts on top. Salt and pepper to taste. Dress the salad with mayonnaise and garnish with fresh herbs.


Cocktail Salad. Straw a boiled tongue and red pickled pepper. Put in a vase, sprinkle with canned green peas and season with mayonnaise. Salt, pepper to taste. Garnish with finely chopped fresh herbs on top.


"Figaro." Put a pot of water on the stove and put in it carrots, onions, black pepper and washed tongue. Cook over low heat until cooked. Dip it in cold water and peel off the film. Then put the tongue back into the broth, bring to a boil and remove it. Cool and cut into strips. Cut and celery root in slightly salted water. Boil the beets. Cut all the ingredients into strips, mix and season with mayonnaise. Peel the tomatoes, finely chop and decorate the salad on top.


With mushrooms and chicken. Sort fresh mushrooms, rinse under running water and boil. Then throw it in a colander and pour over with cold water. Clean the tongue from the film and cook it in salted water until tender. Cut into thin strips all the ingredients of the salad. Prepare a dressing. To do this, mix mayonnaise, lemon juice and sour cream. Stir the salad and garnish with a slice of lemon and fresh herbs.

Useful advice

Soak your tongue in cold water before cooking.

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