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How to cook shrimp in batter

How to cook shrimp in batter
How to cook shrimp in batter

Video: Crispy Fried Shrimp - Southern Restaurant Secrets for Home Cooking - PoorMansGourmet 2024, July

Video: Crispy Fried Shrimp - Southern Restaurant Secrets for Home Cooking - PoorMansGourmet 2024, July

Shrimp is not only good as an appetizer. If cooked properly, they can be a great main course. Shrimp in batter will surprise you with its gentle and interesting taste.


Pick your recipe

You will need

    • shrimp
    • garlic
    • light beer or mineral water
    • flour
    • vegetable oil
    • egg white
    • lemon

Instruction manual


To start, prepare the shrimp. It will turn out very tasty if you use king prawns, but this recipe is also applicable to ordinary ones. Defrost, rinse thoroughly and clean them. To make the shrimp taste more saturated, it is better to marinate them first. To do this, grate a couple of cloves of garlic, add water, salt and oil (olive is better - it is healthier). If the flavor of garlic bothers you, replace it with ground pepper or chili. Combine all the ingredients and leave the seafood in the mixture for about 10 minutes. Then take out, dry the shrimp a little and remove the excess garlic. Now go in for batter products.


Prepare the flour. Pour water or beer into it (as you like). Add egg whites and vegetable oil. Stir well with a kitchen whisk or fork until the mass is smooth and cover. Thus, you get a mixture similar to pancake dough. Therefore, if you are limited in time, you can buy pancake flour (you need to add only beer or water to it) and simplify your task. Ideally, you need to let the batter stand for two hours, so keep in mind that it’s better to start cooking it in advance.


When everything is ready for frying, heat a frying pan with vegetable oil. Take each shrimp by its tail, dip in flour, and then in batter, and put in a pan. Shrimps are usually fried quickly, 2-3 minutes are enough. The main thing is that the batter is browned and a golden crust is formed. To prevent shrimp from burning, stir them constantly.


Don't forget the little detail: seafood goes well with lemon juice. Pour them a dish before serving. As a decoration, you can use lettuce and onions, sliced ​​in rings.

There are different ways to cook shrimp in batter, but the one proposed above is traditional and the most popular. You can show imagination and add additional ingredients or replace any products. Some, for example, pickle shrimp in wine. Do not be afraid to experiment!

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