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Cooking a summer cake with red currants

Cooking a summer cake with red currants
Cooking a summer cake with red currants

Video: red currant cake 2024, July

Video: red currant cake 2024, July

If in spite of the fact that it’s already June on the calendar, it’s damp and slushy in your soul, make this cake and the summer mood can’t wait!


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • The foundation:

  • - 300 g of flour;

  • - 50 g of brown sugar;

  • - 200 g of butter;

  • - 10 tbsp ice water;

  • - a pinch of salt.

  • Filling:

  • - 500 g of condensed milk;

  • - 250 g sour cream;

  • - 5 yolks;

  • - 250 g of red currant.

Instruction manual


Cut the butter into medium cubes and send it to the freezer for half an hour so that they freeze. Then chop the ice oil in a combine with flour and a pinch of salt into small crumbs. Add water - its amount can vary, but the result should be a soft dough that would not stick to your hands, so add a little bit. Roll the dough into a ball, wrap in cling film and send for an hour in the refrigerator.


Roll out the dough and put it in a large mold lined with baking paper. Prick with a fork. Send a quarter of an hour to the freezer.


While the dough is freezing, set the oven to heat up to 180 degrees and start cooking the toppings. To do this, use a mixer to mix the condensed milk and sour cream, then add the yolks and thoroughly beat the mixture again until smooth.


Remove the dough from the freezer, pour the filling on it and cover the surface with berries. Put in the oven for 40 - 50 minutes: the finished pie should have a dense and rosy filling.

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