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Home cooked sausage

Home cooked sausage
Home cooked sausage

Video: Homemade Italian Sausage - Food Wishes 2024, July

Video: Homemade Italian Sausage - Food Wishes 2024, July

Homemade sausage, cooked with your own hands, will bring more pleasure than purchased. In addition, she will not have unpleasant additives and extra calories.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - chicken fillet - 700 g;

  • - cream 20-33% - 300 ml;

  • - eggs - 3 pcs.;

  • - seasonings - to taste;

  • - salt and pepper - to taste.

Instruction manual


In addition to chicken, you can use turkey meat. rinse selected meat in running water. Chop it into small pieces, then treat with a blender. Prepare a creamy meat mass.


Wash the eggs and, breaking, divide into yolk and protein. Use yolks for other dishes, attach the proteins with minced meat. Season with salt and pepper to taste. As a seasoning, you can use nutmeg powder or another favorite spice.


Pre-cool the cream, add them to the meat, mix well. For further preparation of home-cooked boiled sausage, prepare a cling film.


Cut a rectangular piece from the roll, put a third part of the semi-finished sausage on its middle. Roll the film of meat into a sausage, tying the ends. Cook three identical sausages.


Pick up a convenient pan, pour water into it, heat to a boil. Then reduce the heating of the water, the water should not boil too much. Put all the preparations of boiled sausages in water, crushing them with a convenient object. You can use a saucer. Cook for 60 minutes.


Having taken the finished dish out of boiling water, cool. Next, remove the film.


On the desktop, put three pieces of baking paper, sprinkle seasoning on their surface. Italian herbs go well with meat. Put on each of the blanks on the sausage, wrap. Remove boiled sausages for 7-8 hours in the refrigerator. After time, you can cut the meat dish and serve.

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