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Dietary recommendations for varicose veins

Dietary recommendations for varicose veins
Dietary recommendations for varicose veins

Video: Foods That Fight Varicose Veins – Vein Specialist Makes Menu Recommendations 2024, July

Video: Foods That Fight Varicose Veins – Vein Specialist Makes Menu Recommendations 2024, July

The body receives all the necessary nutrients with food, so nutrition plays a huge role in its life. Many people do not give nutrition the right value. Nevertheless, a change in diet can both aggravate the condition of the patient, and improve it.


Pick your recipe

The cause of varicose veins is the poor functioning of the venous valves, as a result of which the blood stagnates in the veins, creating high pressure in them. The walls of the veins begin to stretch and lose elasticity. Varicose veins are very difficult to treat, so proper nutrition can become one of the components of a comprehensive treatment, including drug therapy and special gymnastics.


The basis of the diet for this disease is a decrease in salt intake, and better, a complete rejection of it, as it retains water in the body, contributing to edema and weight gain, which gives an extra load on the legs.

Fruits and vegetables

Be sure to increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet - they contain vitamins that will help restore the elasticity of blood vessels.

Fatty Meat and Spicy

Fatty meat should be discarded completely and spicy seasonings should be minimized. These products also adversely affect the cardiovascular system.


Confectionery is better to replace with honey and dried fruits, especially since dried apricots contain potassium, which is necessary for the work of the heart muscle.

Periodic unloading of the body

Indian doctors believe that before starting medical treatment of the disease, you should sit on a "juice" diet for several days or take only fruits, and then gradually switch to proper nutrition. In this case, it is necessary to exclude all harmful products, arranging fruit fasting days every month.

Product Compatibility

The so-called multi-colored diet is also successfully applied. Its essence lies in the fact that during the day you need to eat products of the same color, changing their color every day. One cycle of such a diet is designed for several days, usually five or seven. The point is that the different colors in the products correspond to the composition of the product and in order for the body to digest food more easily, we do not load it.

An example of the selection of products for a color diet:

The first day of the diet is considered white - on this day you can eat any white products, for example, dairy products, chicken, boiled potatoes, rice and many others. White foods have protein that cells need. They also contain carbohydrates, which it is better to try to limit.

On the second day - red, eat red meat, berries and fruits of the same color, tomatoes and so on. They have a high content of iron and minerals.

On the third day, green foods are served on the table - these are mainly vegetables, herbs and juices. These products help cleanse the intestines and improve motility.

On the fourth day, dishes are prepared from orange products - these include citrus fruits, salmon, pumpkin. They destroy cancer cells, contain various essential fatty acids.

On the fifth day, the menu includes purple dishes - eggplant, grapes, plums, many berries. The violet color slightly slows down the metabolism, reducing appetite, and the acids contained in such products thin the mucus and help the lymphatic system remove toxins from the body.

On the sixth day, yellow fruits are consumed. These include lemons, melons, egg yolks. In these products, the high content of products of group B, these products give vitality and tone. On the seventh day, an unloading menu with clean and mineral water is arranged. The digestive system rests and is restored.

Such a diet promotes a gradual imperceptible weight loss. It should only be remembered that an evening meal should be three to four hours before bedtime. Such nutrition can be an effective tool to increase the elasticity of blood vessels.

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