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Healthy eating

Healthy eating is the key to good health

Healthy eating is the key to good health
Healthy eating is the key to good health

Video: What's the Best Diet? Healthy Eating 101 2024, July

Video: What's the Best Diet? Healthy Eating 101 2024, July

Nutrition plays an important role in human life. Improper nutrition can be very harmful to our health. Obesity, vitamin deficiency, osteoporosis - all these are consequences of malnutrition. That is why many people adhere to a healthy lifestyle, in order to avoid various diseases. What is a healthy diet?


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Healthy nutrition is nutrition that does not harm the body, contributes to the normal growth and development of a person. First of all, this is the rejection of fast food, soda and alcohol. A healthy diet involves the consumption of alcohol, but not more than 20 g (pure alcohol), 0.5 l of light beer or 50 g of vodka. Even a single dose excess can cause serious harm to health. Of all alcoholic beverages, wine has the most beneficial properties. Drinking one glass of red wine at dinner will help digestion quickly assimilate food and improve metabolism.

Most of the healthy foods are plant foods (vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, herbs). But there are also meat (turkey, chicken), fish (tuna, sardine) and eggs. On the Internet, many programs and applications are created that select dishes for personal characteristics, and calculate the number of calories for the whole day.

A healthy diet is a frequent consumption of food, but in small portions. When switching from an unhealthy diet to a healthy one, weight loss is possible. It’s better to first stick to a diet that everyone chooses for themselves, later when you get used to it, you can switch to another or stick to the original for a long time. The main thing is not to change the meal dramatically, if one day you ate scrambled eggs for breakfast, kebab for lunch, and fried potatoes for dinner, then when you switch to cereals, cottage cheese and fresh vegetables, your well-being can worsen. Headaches, dizziness, general weakness will begin, as the body is used to getting more calories than it received that day.

The first week is simply to abandon flour and fat. Then reduce the amount of carbohydrates, that is, eat less sweet, replace sugar in tea with honey. Also, do not forget about physical activity, which also has a positive effect on health. You can do it at home or, if possible, take a subscription to the gym. Many home workouts can be found on the Internet. There are exercises for the abs, and legs, arms, and buttocks. At the same time, experienced trainers will show all this.

Do not forget about drinking plenty of water. On average, a person should drink 1.5 liters per day, with physical exertion, indicators increase to 2 liters. In addition, you should abandon the use of mayonnaise, ketchup and other sauces. If on the first, second day your health worsens and you feel unwell, then you should reconsider your diet. Remember, a healthy diet means well-being and a long life!

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