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Why cook mushrooms before freezing

Why cook mushrooms before freezing
Why cook mushrooms before freezing

Video: The Biggest Mistakes Everyone Makes When Cooking Mushrooms 2024, July

Video: The Biggest Mistakes Everyone Makes When Cooking Mushrooms 2024, July

Refrigerators with a large freezer have changed our idea of ​​how to harvest mushrooms for the winter. If earlier our ancestors dried and pickled these gifts of nature, now more and more often the housewives resort to freezing. Many people think that mushrooms should be boiled before that. Why is this done?


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During cooking, mushrooms reach a state of ready-to-eat. This automatically means that after defrosting, they can immediately be put into cooking. The gain in time is obvious. We spend 30-40 minutes on the whole batch in the fall. And in the winter we will use the mushrooms in portions, but do not waste time cooking them.

Thus, the first reason why mushrooms are cooked before freezing is to save time on subsequent cooking.


The second reason is a significant change in the size of mushrooms after cooking. The next batch takes up less space in the refrigerator, which means that you can prepare more.


Not all mushrooms can use broth for cooking. This does not apply to traditionally unconditionally edible whites, aspen and boletus. But many Russula and other conditionally edible mushrooms give a rather bitter decoction, which still has to be poured. So the third reason is the elimination of bitter and harmful substances from mushrooms before freezing. At the same time, caterpillars are killed, which are easy to see when cleaning large lots of mushrooms for freezing.


In fact, boiling mushrooms of any type before freezing is optional. After all, no one cooked frozen champignons sold in stores. So choose for yourself. The reasons why mushrooms are cooked before freezing are given in our article.

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