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Minced eggs

Minced eggs
Minced eggs

Video: Ground Beef and Eggs Breakfast | Clouds PERFECT InstantPot Rice Recipe 2024, June

Video: Ground Beef and Eggs Breakfast | Clouds PERFECT InstantPot Rice Recipe 2024, June

Tired of traditional meatballs? Diversify your table with a mixture of ordinary meat patties and egg patties!


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It seems to me that the eggs baked in minced meat are very similar to zrazy, but in this case, the filling does not need to be chopped, the eggs must be put in whole cutlets.

To prepare such original cutlets you will need: 0.5 kg of minced meat, 6 eggs, 2-3 medium potatoes, 2-3 small onions, 3 cloves of garlic, 1-2 slices of bread or bread, 3-4 slices of smoked bacon, salt, pepper, paprika to taste.


Cook 5 hard boiled eggs, they are the filling for these peculiar cutlets. While the eggs are boiling, start cooking the minced meat.

For the minced meat, finely chop the onions and potatoes, pass the garlic through the garlic squeezer (or just chop finely and finely). Mix minced meat with vegetables, add a raw egg, finely chopped bacon, mashed bread, salt, pepper and paprika. Mix everything well.

After the eggs have boiled, gently peel them. Divide the minced meat into five parts. Take a portion of the prepared minced meat, crush it, creating a kind of thick pancake, put a boiled egg in the middle and wrap it in a minced pancake. So make balls of all eggs. Bake the resulting balls in the oven in a pan or in a mold with high edges at a temperature of 180C until cooked.

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