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Soy sprouts

Soy sprouts
Soy sprouts

Video: How to grow Soybean Sprouts (Kongnamul: 콩나물) 2024, July

Video: How to grow Soybean Sprouts (Kongnamul: 콩나물) 2024, July

Thai cuisine is quick to cook - so the products retain a maximum of healthy vitamins and minerals. A very simple and quick recipe for those who want to enjoy Asian cuisine at home.


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  • 200 g of soybean sprouts;

  • 500 g raw ham;

  • 300 g Chinese egg noodles;

  • 3 tbsp. l oyster sauce and fish sauces;

  • 3 tbsp oil (sesame or other vegetable);

  • 2-4 cloves of garlic;

  • 2 heads of young onions;

  • 1 tbsp Sahara.


  1. Boil water in a large saucepan. Put the noodles and cook for about 4 minutes (for details, see the instructions on the noodle packaging). Then throw the noodles into a colander and rinse thoroughly with cold running water, to leave excess water in the glass. Important! Do not allow the cooked noodles to dry, otherwise it will be impossible to mix with other ingredients. To do this, simply prepare all the ingredients from point 2 while boiling water. Or pour a few drops of oil into the finished noodles - this will prevent the noodles from turning into an inseparable lump.

  2. Soya sprouts must be thoroughly washed, trimmed brown tips. Peel the young onion, cut the head in half, then rinse and cut into 2-3 cm slices. Peel the garlic and peel it very finely. Chop the ham into small pieces.

  3. Heat oil in a frying pan or cauldron. Put the garlic, ham and fry for about one minute over medium heat.

  4. Add soya sprouts, onions, oyster and fish sauces, mix thoroughly and warm for 2 minutes over medium heat. Please note that in Thai cuisine soybean sprouts (and often other plant ingredients) should not be brought to full readiness - as they will retain maximum benefit and give the dish more freshness.

  5. Add the noodles, mix thoroughly but carefully (so as not to crush the noodles), turn off the fire. Serve hot.

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