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Harmful properties of healthy products

Harmful properties of healthy products
Harmful properties of healthy products

Video: Toxic Chemicals in Consumer Products: Human Health Implications 2024, July

Video: Toxic Chemicals in Consumer Products: Human Health Implications 2024, July

Some dishes and products seem to us to be certainly useful, and we try to include them in our diet as often as possible. But, as you know, absolutely useful products do not exist and even they contain components that can harm our health.


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The best of the dishes for adult and children's breakfast. Oatmeal has an enveloping effect, stimulates digestion, promotes weight loss, contains a lot of useful substances. However, daily use of oatmeal prevents the full absorption of calcium, as a result - problems with bones, teeth, hair, early development of osteoporosis.

Green tea

According to all the canons of a healthy diet, it is considered the best drink, improves metabolism, perfectly quenches thirst, contains many macro and micro elements, and stimulates the activity of the nervous system. However, this healthy drink has its negative aspects: an excess of green tea leads to a diuretic effect, which contributes to the washing out of healthy salts from the body. Green tea also contains provitamin K, an excess of which increases blood viscosity and the risk of thrombosis.

Brown sugar

It is considered much more useful than white, familiar to us. Brown sugar contains many vitamins, as well as iron and zinc. Despite these advantages, brown sugar is a very high-calorie product, contributes to an increase in blood glucose, and also leads to weight gain.

Onion and garlic

These vegetables are certainly useful, they help to cope with the flu and the common cold, prevent the development of some oncological diseases, and strengthen the heart muscle. Nevertheless, the use of onions and garlic is prohibited for people with diseases of the digestive system, kidneys, excretory tracts.

Sea fish

Doctors recommend consuming marine fish at least once a week, because it contains useful trace elements and, most importantly, omega-3 acids. In addition to these beneficial compounds, mercury is often found in marine fish that accumulate in fish due to pollution of the oceans. To get absolutely harmless fish, you should buy it on special farms, where fish are grown in artificial conditions.

Sea kale

A product that few people doubt is beneficial, seaweed is an excellent source of iodine, quickly saturates and permanently eliminates hunger, regulates digestion, and promotes weight loss. But the fact that seaweed is able to accumulate salts of heavy metals is not known to everyone.

Coconut oil

This product is recognized not only by vegetarians, but also by people who adhere to the principles of a healthy diet. However, coconut oil is not suitable for cooking, during the heat treatment, it forms some carcinogens. Raw oil is best avoided because it is often used for cosmetic purposes and various synthetic fillers are added.


A lot has been written about its benefits. Regular consumption of honey eliminates many health problems, strengthens the immune system, and saturates the body with many useful substances. Honey is added to various dishes and drinks, but few people know that if the honey is heated to 40 degrees, all the healing properties disappear, and a super-healthy product becomes dangerous, as a substance is formed - oxymethylfurfural. Accumulating in the body, it can cause nausea and vomiting, headaches and dizziness, loss of strength. From the foregoing, we can conclude that honey will be useful only at room temperature.

As mentioned above, there are no absolutely harmful or absolutely healthy products, therefore, when compiling your diet, you should not go to extremes.

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