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How many calories in dates

How many calories in dates
How many calories in dates

Table of contents:

Video: ✅Nutrition facts of Dates| Health Benefits of Dates| how many calories,protein,carbs,fiber,fat in 2024, June

Video: ✅Nutrition facts of Dates| Health Benefits of Dates| how many calories,protein,carbs,fiber,fat in 2024, June

One date contains on average about 23 kcal. This low-calorie product ideally replaces any sweets and is suitable for people who follow a diet or simply monitor their weight. And due to the content of a large number of nutrients and vitamins, dates are included in the diet of a healthy diet.


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The composition of the dates

Dates are 44-88% composed of carbohydrates containing natural sugars, such as fructose, glucose, and sucrose. Such natural sugars are a quick source of energy for the human body. The mass fraction of carbohydrates in 100 g of dates is 69.2 g. Dates are rich in salts and minerals. Copper, manganese, zinc, iron, boron, fluorine - far from the entire list of valuable trace elements necessary for a daily diet. Dates do not contain cholesterol, and unlike apples, bananas and many other fruits, they contain 23 types of various amino acids. Vitamins of group B, as well as A, C, dietary fiber, fats and other substances that make up the dates make these fruits extremely useful. They are a very nutritious product, quickly give a feeling of satiety. The mass fraction of fats in dates is about 0.5 g, and proteins - 2.5 g per 100 g of product. In this case, the calorie content of dates is only 274 kcal.

Benefits for the body

Dates are extremely beneficial for the whole organism. They support the work of the heart, liver and kidneys, contribute to the formation of healthy microflora in the intestines, and also normalize the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract. Dates maintain the acid-base balance of the body, nourish the blood and nerve endings. They improve brain function and soothe the nervous system. These fruits help the body cope with viral and infectious diseases, strengthening its immunity. Thanks to the dietary fiber contained in their composition, dates prevent the occurrence of cancer.

A high potassium content helps in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. After a long illness, it is recommended to use dates for rehabilitation purposes. And women should use these dried fruits during pregnancy to facilitate childbirth and the production of breast milk. When overworked and tired, dates have a tonic effect, giving strength and energy.

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