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How many calories in a watermelon

How many calories in a watermelon
How many calories in a watermelon

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Video: Healthwise: Diet Calories, How Many Calories in Watermelon? Calories Intake and Healthy Weight Loss 2024, June

Video: Healthwise: Diet Calories, How Many Calories in Watermelon? Calories Intake and Healthy Weight Loss 2024, June

Watermelon is one of the favorite treats that the end of summer gives us. It is juicy and sweet. He always wants to eat a lot. It is this fact that makes us wonder how useful it is for the figure.


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Watermelon has long earned its popularity due to its bright, truly summer look and juiciness. Everyone likes its taste, but few people know how many calories it contains. This berry is 91% water, so its calorie content is quite small: about 30 kcal per 100 g of product. 1 cup chopped watermelon, which is approximately 154 g, contains 46 kcal. One slice of watermelon, comprising 1/16 part, and this is about 286 g, contains only 86 kcal. Thus, we can say that this representative of melons is one of the most affordable foods for people on a low-calorie diet.

Do not throw out watermelon seeds. In dried or fried form they are used in food in many countries of the world. They are useful, thanks to B vitamins and minerals that make up their composition. But: they are contraindicated in pregnancy.

The nutritional value

Watermelon does not contain cholesterol and saturated fats. This relates it to healthy foods. Watermelon is rich in vitamins, especially A and C. 150 g of pulp contains 18% and 21% of the daily allowance, respectively. It contains vitamins B1 and B6, which are responsible for the energy reserve in our body, as well as folic acid. It is also a source of minerals such as calcium and iron. But the amount of carbohydrates in it is quite high, with only a small part of them being dietary fiber, the rest is sugar, which is associated with diseases such as obesity and diabetes. Therefore, it is not recommended to consume watermelon in large portions, 150 g per day is enough. Daily intake of 1 kg of watermelon pulp can cause kidney damage.

If you are allergic to latex, celery, cucumber or carrots, be careful: watermelon can also cause allergies. Symptoms include hives, swelling, diarrhea, or anaphylactic shock.

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