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Tablecloths in a restaurant - beautiful or useless

Tablecloths in a restaurant - beautiful or useless
Tablecloths in a restaurant - beautiful or useless

Video: 8-10 Reviewing a Restaurant with Eimear and Pearl 2024, June

Video: 8-10 Reviewing a Restaurant with Eimear and Pearl 2024, June

The interior of a restaurant or cafe consists of a large number of little things that create the general mood of the establishment. One of the most spectacular and simple ways to change the mood of an institution is to use a tablecloth. Oddly enough, the use of a tablecloth has both ardent opponents and loyal supporters. And the restaurateur, who is responsible for creating the interior and style of the establishment, will have to decide independently whether the use of textile decoration for the table is appropriate or not.


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However, before answering this question for yourself, you need to listen to both sides and understand why you should use a tablecloth, and whether they are appropriate in cafes and restaurants.

The tablecloth itself serves to solve three problems. The decoration of the establishment is, of course, a beautiful tablecloth, made in tone with the interior or snow-white, is an indicator of the institution's high status. Tabletop protection - inaccuracy of guests with cutlery and various liquids leaves scratches and stains on the tabletop; if its material does not differ in stone strength, then over time it will lose its aesthetic appearance. Therefore, often as an alternative to tablecloths, various woven or wooden coasters are used. Noise reduction - while eating, visitors actively move the dishes, put and raise appliances, put glasses and wine glasses. All this is a source of noise, sometimes very annoying, especially if the countertop is paved and very loudly responds to all the manipulations of guests.

As already mentioned, often in various institutions of the middle and economy class for the protection of surfaces using all kinds of stands and even trays. Tabletops in such establishments, as a rule, are not distinguished by sophistication and can even be plastic, especially in inexpensive cafes oriented to consumers of beer and savory snacks.

Solid restaurants, if this does not contradict the theme of the institution (for example, Asian cuisine or the interior of a tavern with roughly trimmed countertops), use tablecloths without fail, since the status is obligatory, and the price of dishes allows you to keep a stock of clean textile products. Table setting pays particular importance not only to the presence of the tablecloth, but also to the way it will be laid on the table - the required minimum of movements, the exact coincidence of the tablecloth lines and the ratio of the edges to the legs. Even the length of the overhang of the edges is taken into account - within 25 cm, if more, the table will lose its appearance, and if it is less, then the guest will be uncomfortable to use. Serving rules dictate the way to change the dirty tablecloth to a clean one. It is imperative to hide the countertop, that is, everything should happen as quietly as possible.

Opponents of the tablecloths insist that it is appropriate to use them only in the case of an unaesthetic type of furniture, that is, tables made of cheap materials. And if the table is made of solid wood, granite, marble, etc., then it is better to use special stands. By the way, this approach was adopted by the majority of domestic restaurants that are above average status, but at the same time striving to save on unnecessary elements. This approach also has the right to life, but it does not correspond to the classical ideas about serving.

If you decide to use a tablecloth, you must remember the following - the tablecloths should always (always!) Be clean and must be changed before each visitor. This means that the minimum supply of clean tablecloths should be 25% higher than the number of tables, and the total amount should be enough to wash the dirty ones.

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