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Secrets of Molecular Cuisine

Secrets of Molecular Cuisine
Secrets of Molecular Cuisine

Table of contents:

Video: All the Secret Tricks Chefs Don't Want You to Know 2024, July

Video: All the Secret Tricks Chefs Don't Want You to Know 2024, July

Molecules, atoms, chemistry, science. It is these associations that arise when molecular cuisine is mentioned. The arising images are not accidental, since molecular gastronomy really belongs to one of the branches of food science - trophology.


Pick your recipe

Despite the fact that molecular cuisine is a branch of science, its popularity is only growing. The most fashionable restaurants have on their menu dishes prepared by the scientific method.

How science came to the kitchen

The cooking process has never been scientifically evaluated. Physico-chemical experiments on food were first conducted by French professor Nicholas Curtie. In the mid 70-ies of the last century, he began to systematize knowledge of the physico-chemical principles of cooking.

Kurti is considered like-minded by the French chemist Herve Thys. It was he who collected at least 25 thousand ordinary recipes and processed them. Yew is considered the first doctor of molecular gastronomy. Tees recipes are regularly published on the web page of the famous chef Pierre Gagner.


How to prepare molecular cuisine

What is the principle of molecular gastronomy? In the formation of molecular bonds in the product as a result of a certain temperature regime. It would seem boring and uninteresting.

But in molecular cuisine, the cook is a real alchemist. He knows the secrets of the fantastic transformation of products.

Transformations of banal dishes in molecular cuisine occur with the help of several specific techniques:

  • zhelefikatsiya - the use of gelling additives (agar-agar or gelatin) to give the dish a jelly texture;
  • Spherification is the most exciting molecular cuisine technique. The combination of sodium alginate and calcium lactate allows you to serve the dish in the form of a sphere, it is in it that the whole taste of the dish is enclosed;
  • emulsification - whipping any liquid into a foam is achieved by adding emulsifiers (soya lecithin);
  • rapid cooling - the use of liquid nitrogen in instant freezing of foods, the texture of such dishes is very delicate.

In addition to special techniques, specially selected frying or cooking temperatures play an important role. For example, baking in the oven for a very long time at low temperatures allows you to get an incredibly soft structure of the product.

The list of techniques is incomplete, since each chef in molecular cuisine has its own secrets and discoveries.


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