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Happiness on a plate

Happiness on a plate
Happiness on a plate

Video: Happiness in a Plate of Food: Kosta Lekanides at TEDxJESS 2024, July

Video: Happiness in a Plate of Food: Kosta Lekanides at TEDxJESS 2024, July

Scientists have proved the ability of hormones to influence the psychological state of a person a long time ago, but not everyone knows that you can significantly affect your own emotional background with just a few useful products.


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Depression, apathy, a sense of one’s own worthlessness and, as a result, a bad mood and frequent conflicts are quite common in the spring. Against the background of spring vitamin deficiency, the problems are aggravated and everything is seen in black. But our emotions are often associated not only with what is happening around, but also with what is happening in our body. Seratonin, the so-called hormone of happiness, can be obtained not only from chocolate. Vitamins of group B take an active part in the synthesis of this hormone, which are also fighters against stress, fatigue and excessive fatigue. A deficiency in the body of vitamin B can provoke metabolic disorders, mental retardation, passivity and even depression. In order for life to cease to be gray and dull, it is necessary to make up for the lack of vitamin B in the body. This is not so difficult to do. It is enough to regularly eat foods containing the necessary element. Vitamin B is found in large quantities in almonds, beef, fish, broccoli and seaweed. Add these healthy foods to your daily diet and you will forever forget about depression and low mood.

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