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Video: Samsa - The Lyrical Genius 2024, July

Video: Samsa - The Lyrical Genius 2024, July

Samsa in Central Asia is akin to dog dogs in the USA, it is considered the most popular fast food in the east, only much more wholesome and delicious. The history of samsa has a long history, and according to the rules, it should be prepared in a tandoor - a national clay furnace. This oriental pastry can be very diverse: from puff pastry, without yeast and even unleavened dough, and they are stuffed with meat, cheese and vegetables.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • -1 tbsp water

  • -4 tbsp. wheat baking flour

  • -300 g fat tail fat

  • -300 g lamb pulp

  • -3 white onion heads

  • -vegetable oil

  • - salt, sesame, zira, ground pepper

Instruction manual


Take water, flour and salt and knead cool dough, cover it with a damp cloth towel and hold for 40 minutes, interrupting it for another 2-3 times. Drain and cool a little 200 g of chicken fat.


Divide the dough into parts, each of which is rolled thinly or knead by hand and grease with melted fat, roll it with a roll. Wrap the rolls with cling film and put them in the refrigerator for about an hour. Each roll is cut into 3-4 parts, and pinch with your hands along the cut line.


Roll each piece into a thin circle. Prepare the minced meat, for this, the remaining fat tail fat and lamb cut into very small cubes or better chopped through a meat grinder. Peel and chop the onion with a meat grinder.


After mixing the chopped meat and onions, salt the minced meat, season with pepper and zira and mix very well. Place and level the meat filling in the center of each round of dough, connect two opposite corners to make a triangle, and pinch the edges with quality.


Heat the oven to 220 degrees, and grease the tin pan with sunflower oil. Put samsa on it and sprinkle with sesame seeds, hold the baking in the oven for about half an hour and serve.

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