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Chicken Satsivi: a classic recipe

Chicken Satsivi: a classic recipe
Chicken Satsivi: a classic recipe

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Video: "Satsivi"-chicken in a walnut sauce/Сациви из курицы по-грузински/Georgian dish. 2024, June

Video: "Satsivi"-chicken in a walnut sauce/Сациви из курицы по-грузински/Georgian dish. 2024, June

Satsivi is a second course made from chicken. It was first served in Georgian restaurants. It has become popular with gourmets for its great taste, amazing aroma and mouth-watering appearance.


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Essential ingredients for Satsivi

To prepare such a dish, you will need the following ingredients:

- chicken - 2 kg;

- seasoning for meat - 2 tsp;

- adjika (without starch) - 15 ml;

- boiled water - 700 ml;

- walnut kernels (peeled) - 500 g;

- garlic - 7 cloves;

- saffron - 1 tsp;

- salt - 2 tsp;

- greens (dill and parsley) - 1 bunch each.

Satsivi cooking process

To start cooking such a dish is necessary with the preparation of chicken. Wash it under running water, dry it with a paper towel, cut into pieces and put in a frying pan. Fry over medium heat until golden brown. Be sure to stir the chicken during this, it is necessary that it is fried evenly, and the juice is completely out of it.

Grind walnuts with a blender or mortar. It is necessary to make flour from them. Add chopped garlic cloves and adjika (5 ml) to it. After that, place all these ingredients in a blender, it is necessary that a homogeneous mass is obtained from them. Squeeze it with gauze several times. Put the resulting liquid aside, and dilute the cake in boiling water. It is required to obtain a uniform sauce from it, which should resemble kefir in density.

Combine the meat spices, sage and remaining adjika in a bowl. Pour the resulting mass into a sauce of garlic and nuts. Stir again, and then add to the chicken skillet. Leave it all for 30 minutes at room temperature. The dish needs to cool completely. But you can’t serve it right away, otherwise the meat will not be juicy, and its taste will not be saturated enough. Therefore, after this, you will need to remove the dish in the refrigerator for 4 hours.

Before serving, pour satsivi on the table with the liquid that was obtained by squeezing the garlic with nuts. After that, it is not required to heat it. It is only necessary to sprinkle with chopped herbs - dill and parsley.

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