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Whipped cream rolls

Whipped cream rolls
Whipped cream rolls

Video: 생크림 롤케이크 (Fresh Cream Roll Cake, Whipped Cream Roll Cake) 2024, July

Video: 생크림 롤케이크 (Fresh Cream Roll Cake, Whipped Cream Roll Cake) 2024, July

Sweet rolls with whipped cream are very easy and quick to cook. Both children and adults like them!


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • For the test:

  • - 100 g flour

  • - 80 g butter

  • - 130 g sugar

  • - 50 g of potato starch

  • - 6 eggs

  • For cream:

  • - 300 ml cream

  • - 50 g sugar

  • - 100 g of jam or fresh berries

  • - 60 g of powdered sugar

  • To decorate:

  • - powdered sugar flowers

Instruction manual


Cooking biscuit dough. Separate the yolks from the proteins. Beat the whites until a thick white foam, and whisk the yolks with sugar until smooth. Then we combine these two masses and mix well.


In the resulting mixture, slowly add starch, flour and knead the dough.


We put the finished dough on parchment paper not in a thick layer and send it to the oven preheated to 180-200 degrees for 20-25 minutes.


We put the biscuit on a clean parchment paper and cool it.


Cooking cream. Beat the chilled cream with sugar and separate a small portion for decoration. In the remaining portion, add jam and mix with a spoon.


Apply cream to the biscuit evenly over the entire surface and twist it into a roll.


Sprinkle the finished rolls with powdered sugar.


We put the rest of the cream in a pastry bag and apply it on the product with balls. On top of the balls we attach flowers from powdered sugar. Our rolls are ready!

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