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Cocoa Cake Recipes

Cocoa Cake Recipes
Cocoa Cake Recipes

Table of contents:

Video: Simple Moist Chocolate Cake Recipe | Basic recipe for beginners 2024, July

Video: Simple Moist Chocolate Cake Recipe | Basic recipe for beginners 2024, July

Delicious gourmet pastries are the perfect complement to the festive table. Cakes made with cocoa will surely appeal to chocolate lovers. This component gives the culinary products a rich chocolate flavor.


Pick your recipe

Chocolate Drunk Cherry Cake

To make a cake for this recipe you will need:

- 16 eggs;

- 500 g of sugar;

- 500 g of flour.

For cream:

- 80 g of cocoa;

- 600 g of butter;

- 6 tbsp. l milk;

- 600 g of sugar;

- 4 eggs;

- 600 g of cherries;

- 100 ml of brandy.

2-3 days before making the cake, fill the canned cherries (pitted) with cognac or vodka and leave to stand in the refrigerator.

Separate the whites from the yolks. Cool the whites and beat in a strong foam, add sugar and continue to beat until it is completely dissolved. After this, carefully, stirring the spoon from top to bottom, pour the flour sifted through a sieve. Mix everything well until smooth and from the prepared biscuit dough bake the cake in a preheated oven with medium heat (180 ° C). Cool the finished biscuit in the mold.

To prepare the cream, mix cocoa powder with sugar, pour in the milk and bring to a boil over low heat. Beat the eggs and, without stopping, pour in a thin stream of hot coffee syrup. Cool. Beat the butter with the cooled syrup.

Cut the baked biscuit in half and take out the crumb with a fork from each half, leaving only “boxes”. Lubricate them with a little cream. Mix the crumb with squeezed cherry and cream. Fill the resulting mass of "boxes". Stack them one on top of the other, sliced ​​together. Decorate the cake as you wish. You can just pour it with melted chocolate. Put the finished cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Cake "Prague"

To make a cake "Prague", you need to take:

- 2 eggs;

- 1 cup of sugar;

- 1 glass of sour cream;

- ½ cans of condensed cocoa;

- ½ tsp soda;

- 2 cups of flour.

For cream:

- ½ cans of condensed cocoa;

- 150 g of butter.

Rub the granulated sugar with the eggs well. Then add sour cream, condensed cocoa, soda and mix everything very carefully until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Then add the wheat flour and cook the dough.

Lubricate the refractory form with margarine, put the dough in it (it should be consistency like thick sour cream) and place in the oven a little more than average, about 200 ° C, to bake in the oven. Cool the finished cake, then cut it 2-3 thinner.

To prepare the cream, beat the softened butter, adding to it a tablespoon of condensed cocoa. Cake "Prague" will turn out much tastier when there is a lot of cocoa in the cream. In this case, it acquires a pronounced chocolate flavor. To get this effect, put 1-2 tablespoons (with top) of cocoa powder in a half can of condensed milk intended for cream.

Ready cream layered cakes, lay them on top of each other, coat the surface and sides of the cake. You can decorate Prague with grated chocolate and crushed nuts.

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