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Quince jam recipe

Quince jam recipe
Quince jam recipe

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Video: Quince jam 2024, July

Video: Quince jam 2024, July

The dense and juicy flesh of quince has a pleasant sour taste. Compotes, preserves, jams, marmalades and other homemade options are made from fruits. Try to make a thick homemade jam - it can be served with tea or used as a filling for pies.


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Quince jam

To make the jam delicious, use only ripe quince. Citric acid will give a pleasant sour taste to the product.

You will need:

- 2 kg of quince;

- 2 glasses of sugar;

- 2 glasses of water;

- 2 teaspoons of citric acid.

Peel quince, remove seeds. Cut the fruit into small cubes and put in a saucepan. Pour in water, bring the mixture to a boil and cook until the fruits are soft. Strain the broth, cool the quince slightly and wipe through a sieve.

Weigh the resulting mass - this is necessary for an accurate dosage of sugar. Prepare syrup from two glasses of broth and two glasses of sugar. Boil it until the crystals are completely dissolved. Fill the quince in a saucepan, pour hot syrup, add citric acid and mix. Cook until cooked over low heat. Stir the jam constantly so that it does not burn. Cool it and place in washed and dried cans. Cover the containers with lids or tie them with parchment paper.

Quince and apple jam

Apples can diversify the taste of jam. Choose the fruits of aromatic late varieties - for example, Ranet.

You will need:

- 3 kg of quince;

- 4 kg of apples;

- 6 glasses of water;

- 3.2 kg of sugar.

Wash the quinces, peel, grate. Put the fruits in a bowl or pan, fill with water. Cook until soft, then strain. Set aside quince, add sugar to the broth and boil the syrup until the crystals are completely dissolved. Put quince in it and continue cooking. Peel the apples, core, cut the flesh into small cubes and add to the quince. Cook the jam over low heat until cooked, stirring constantly.

Cool the jam and put it in sterilized jars. From the specified number of fruits, 5 liter cans of the finished product will be obtained. Close the containers with lids and put the jam in storage.

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