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Liver Cake Recipe Step by Step

Liver Cake Recipe Step by Step
Liver Cake Recipe Step by Step

Video: Liver cake recipe. 2024, July

Video: Liver cake recipe. 2024, July

Liver cake is a cold appetizer that will surely be enjoyed even by those who don’t like liver dishes. Cook a delicious liver cake step by step at home.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - beef liver - 700 g;

  • - chicken egg - 1 pc.;

  • - milk - 150 ml;

  • - onions - 2 pcs.;

  • - carrots - 2 pcs.;

  • - flour - 0.5 tbsp.;

  • - mushrooms - 400 g;

  • - salt, sugar, pepper - to taste;

  • - mayonnaise - 250 ml.

Instruction manual


The recipe for a liver cake is pretty simple. At the very beginning, you need to cook the liver: wash it well, remove the films, and then twist it with a meat grinder. Break the chicken into the resulting mass, add sugar, salt, pepper, pour in a thin stream of milk and pour in the flour. Mix these ingredients well.


Grease the pan with butter, and then bake small liver cakes that need to be fried on both sides. It is best to fry in a pan without a lid, otherwise your cake layers will be very soft and difficult to turn over.


Prepare onions and carrots: wash, peel and cut vegetables in any shape, and then fry in vegetable oil in a pan.


According to this recipe, you can use any mushrooms: champignons, oyster mushrooms or any forest. Wash the mushrooms, cut into slices, then fry with onions until cooked. After your mushrooms have cooled, they must be chopped with a meat grinder.


Now you can start forming the cake: put the first cake on a large dish, grease with mayonnaise, then put a layer of fried carrots and onions, coat with mayonnaise again, the next layer is the fried mushrooms, greased with mayonnaise on top. Alternating layers in this way, lay out all the liver cakes to make a cake.


Home-made liver cake with mushrooms and carrots is completely ready. Such a delicious dish is perfect for both a festive and everyday table.

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