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Spinach benefits

Spinach benefits
Spinach benefits

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Video: 14 Health Benefits of Spinach Superfood including Weight Loss, Hair Growth & Pregnancy 2024, July

Video: 14 Health Benefits of Spinach Superfood including Weight Loss, Hair Growth & Pregnancy 2024, July

Spinach is a rare guest on Russian tables. However, the question of its popularization is a temporary phenomenon. In the XXI century, the taste and benefits of spinach are appreciated in many countries around the world. For example, in France, foodies call him the "king of vegetables", borrowing a loud nickname from the Arabs who have been growing it for centuries. So it’s not far off when spinach will reign in the domestic cuisine, making it even more diverse and healthy.


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The taste is neutral - the maximum result

This vegetable (which is more like grass) does not have an obsessive taste: it is used to shade other ingredients. However, this does not stop spinach from bringing great benefits to the human body, giving vitality and a sea of ​​vitality. And all because it has a significant amount of nutrients, including saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, starch and fiber. In addition, spinach can be considered a complete food, since it contains not only carbohydrates, but also proteins with fats. Spinach also benefits from its low calorie content, which is important for proponents of an active lifestyle.

The mineral composition of spinach impresses even experienced nutritionists. These are iron, selenium, potassium, copper, sodium, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, iodine and many other components of human health. Thanks to its rich composition, spinach has a wide range of beneficial effects: it is indicated for patients suffering from diseases of the eyes, cardiovascular system, urinary tract and gastrointestinal tract. It is also recommended to use it in food for patients with a low hemoglobin content in the blood, and for those who have metabolic disorders.

Against cancer

Spinach has one more valuable quality recognized even by official medicine. This is a record content of antioxidants, due to which it is prescribed for cancer patients who have undergone radiation and chemical therapy. In addition, there is an opinion in the scientific community, supported by the results of numerous experiments, that the regular use of spinach in food is an effective tool in the prevention of cancerous tumors. It is especially important to eat spinach in the bite with fried meat: the fact is that the substances present in this vegetable neutralize the harmful effect of carcinogens, which are formed in large quantities during frying and cause intestinal cancer.

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