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The benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds

The benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds
The benefits and harms of pumpkin seeds

Table of contents:

Video: Benefits Of Pumpkin Seeds | The Exposed Truth 2024, June

Video: Benefits Of Pumpkin Seeds | The Exposed Truth 2024, June

We can talk about the healing properties of pumpkin seeds for a long time: they contain over 50 substances vital for the human body. However, if used improperly, they can be useless and even harm your health.


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Vitamins and minerals found in pumpkin seeds

- B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9);

- vitamin E;

- vitamin PP;

- vitamin C;

- potassium;

- zinc;

- calcium;

- selenium;

- magnesium;

- copper;

- sodium;

- manganese;

- iron;

- phosphorus.

And also saturated fatty acids, mono- and disaccharides, dietary fiber, etc., necessary for the human body.

During heat treatment, most of the nutrients are destroyed, so frying pumpkin seeds is highly undesirable.

About the beneficial properties of pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are widely used as an effective folk remedy for worms and chronic constipation. Due to the high content of vitamin E, pumpkin seeds stimulate the function of the gonads, slow down aging and have a beneficial effect on the skin condition. Porridge made from pumpkin seeds is a wonderful treatment for burns and wounds. It is very useful for men to regularly eat pumpkin seeds to prevent prostatitis, increase potency and enhance sexual sensations.

Pumpkin seeds contain the amino acid arginine, which is used to build muscle mass in sports nutrition.

The benefits of pumpkin seeds are also undeniable for people suffering from hypertension and diabetes mellitus: they have the ability to stabilize blood pressure and lower blood sugar. In addition, pumpkin seeds are a good diuretic and choleretic. Rich in zinc, they strengthen memory, improve brain functioning and reduce fatigue.

With anti-nausea and antiemetic effect, pumpkin seeds are indicated for people suffering from seasickness and pregnant women with toxicosis.

Scientifically proven ability of pumpkin seeds to remove harmful cadmium and lead from the human body.

About the dangers of pumpkin seeds

Like any even the most useful product, pumpkin seeds can be harmful in some diseases. The use of fried and salted pumpkin seeds in large quantities leads to the deposition of salts in the joints, which limits their mobility.

Excessive consumption of pumpkin seeds is contraindicated in obesity and overweight: they contain a large amount (up to 46%!) Of fat. It is also recommended to limit their use for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and increased acidity of the gastric juice. However, do not give up pumpkin seeds at all: for medicinal purposes, it is enough to eat 10 grams of this product per day.

The use of fried and salted pumpkin seeds in large quantities leads to the deposition of salts in the joints, limiting their mobility.

To avoid damage to the tooth enamel, it is better to peel the seeds from the husk with your hands, and not to gnaw.

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