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How to Make Ballerina Cakes

How to Make Ballerina Cakes
How to Make Ballerina Cakes

Video: Ballerina Cake Tutorial! 2024, July

Video: Ballerina Cake Tutorial! 2024, July

If you like light airy desserts, you should definitely try making cakes called "Ballerina". Especially this delicacy will appeal to those who are crazy about meringues.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • For meringues:

  • - egg whites - 6 pcs;

  • - icing sugar - 250 g;

  • - salt - a pinch;

  • - lemon juice - 1 teaspoon.

  • For cream:

  • - cream 33% - 250 ml;

  • - icing sugar - 2 tablespoons;

  • - fresh raspberries.

Instruction manual


Cool the egg whites, then combine with salt and beat thoroughly with a mixer until a stable foam. Then, without ceasing to beat, gradually introduce powdered sugar to them. When 1 minute is left before the end of this procedure, add lemon juice.


Place the resulting mass in a pastry bag. Squeeze it in the form of a spiral on a baking sheet lined with parchment, only first form the bottom of a kind of basket - it should be 3 centimeters in diameter. Remember that inside these cakes should be empty. So do with the whole sugar-protein mass.


Preheat the oven to a temperature of 100 degrees and send the future cakes into it to bake for about 2-2.5 hours. During this time, baskets of sugar-protein mass should dry, while remaining light.


In the meantime, prepare a cream for dessert. To do this, combine pre-chilled cream with powdered sugar. Beat well. This procedure should be done in a cold metal cup.


Put the resulting cream in a pastry bag and fill the cooled pastries. Decorate the dish with fresh berries, for example, raspberries. Cakes "Ballerina" are ready!

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