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How to Cook Fake Chebureks

How to Cook Fake Chebureks
How to Cook Fake Chebureks

Video: Fake (lazy) pasties. Original meat recipe 2024, July

Video: Fake (lazy) pasties. Original meat recipe 2024, July

Under the name "Fake Chebureks" pancakes with hiding are hidden. I suggest you cook them immediately. It is possible that you will like this dish more than real chebureks, because it turns out to be very juicy and tender.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • For the test:

  • - eggs - 2 pcs;

  • - milk - 500 ml;

  • - sugar - 1 tablespoon;

  • - flour - 2 glasses;

  • - vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;

  • - water - 0.5 cups;

  • - salt - 1 teaspoon.

  • Filling:

  • - minced meat - 500 g;

  • - onions - 1 pc;

  • - dill;

  • - parsley;

  • - coriander - 1 teaspoon;

  • - salt;

  • - pepper.

Instruction manual


First, prepare the dough for future pancakes with seasoning. To do this, combine eggs, granulated sugar and salt in one bowl. Beat well. Add flour and warm milk there. Stir the resulting mass and add to it also vegetable oil and freshly boiled water. Mix this mixture again, and then leave it in this state for 15-20 minutes.


Stuffing minced meat with the following ingredients: chopped onions and herbs, coriander, as well as salt and pepper. Mix everything thoroughly and add a small amount of water. It is needed so that the filling is juicy.


Pour oil into a pan and heat it. It's time to make Fake Chebureks. Pour enough dough so that the pancake is not very thick. Then put a tablespoon of the finished filling on it on one of its edges. On the other side that remains free, cover the minced meat. Thus, the edges should stick together. Do all these actions very quickly. So do with the whole test.


Fry the resulting pancakes with seasoning on each side until golden brown, that is, for several minutes. "Fake pasties" are ready!

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