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Is it good to drink coffee in the morning

Is it good to drink coffee in the morning
Is it good to drink coffee in the morning

Video: Is it safe to drink coffee daily on empty stomach? - Ms. Sushma Jaiswal 2024, July

Video: Is it safe to drink coffee daily on empty stomach? - Ms. Sushma Jaiswal 2024, July

What will help wake up and cheer up in the early morning? Right! A cup of strong and aromatic coffee. Many of our fellow citizens begin their morning with this particular drink, and in some cases replace coffee with breakfast, although doctors tirelessly insist that coffee in the morning does more harm than good.


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Why not drink coffee in the morning?

The vigor in our body is provided by the hormone cortisol, which is secreted in sufficient quantities in the morning, because the body cannot be fooled, and he himself knows when to wake up. In people trying to gain vigor with caffeine, the production of cortisol is gradually reduced, because the brain understands that the body has enough vigor without hormones.

After some time, when the body stops receiving a portion of the long-awaited drink, people feel tired, overwhelmed, constantly wanting to sleep. To get a boost of energy and energy, we again go for a cup of coffee, and in the meantime, cortisol ceases to be produced at all.

Coffee, used on an empty stomach, greatly affects the functioning of the liver and pancreas, over time, heartburn, gastritis, and in some cases ulcer or pancreatitis can develop. If you can’t refuse coffee in the morning, then it is better to use it with milk, this has a sparing effect on the digestive system.

A person who visits a gastroenterologist with complaints of epigastric pain undergoes a lot of examinations, passes a bunch of tests, and as a result gets a strict ban on coffee. And here’s the paradox: you can’t drink coffee, and cortisol is no longer being produced, where do you get energy from? But this is not all, the lack of cortisol in the body negatively affects the functioning of the immune system, frequent colds appear, vitamin deficiency develops, and the appearance of a person worsens.

Experts have proven that the best time to drink coffee is from 2 to 5 hours, when cortisol production is reduced, and there is already food in the stomach.

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