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The beneficial properties of lemon

The beneficial properties of lemon
The beneficial properties of lemon

Table of contents:

Video: Top 5 Health Benefits of Lemons 2024, July

Video: Top 5 Health Benefits of Lemons 2024, July

When it comes to which citrus has the greatest number of healthy qualities, then the first, and therefore the most correct association that most people have is lemon.


Pick your recipe

The progenitor of lemon, cultivated in ancient Egypt - the citron in the question of similarity with its descendant could boast only of aroma. But he did not possess the share of juiciness inherent in modern lemon. And, as you know, it is in citrus juice that contains the maximum concentration of nutrients and vitamins.

Not everyone will dare to drink sour lemon juice in the form of fresh (and this, in fact, cannot be done), but in reasonable quantities and in combination with other products, it becomes a truly irreplaceable assistant in getting rid of many problems.

The terrible enemy of colds and viruses

A very high concentration of vitamin C - 40 ml in 100 grams allows the lemon to confidently hold the third place (the first two belong to blackcurrant and parsley) in matters of raising immunity. The simplest, but very effective and correct combination is warm tea with honey and lemon juice.

For the prevention of colds, there are not only useful, but also delicious recipes. Sandwich paste: 100 grams of butter should be mixed with two tablespoons of honey and add lemon twisted in a meat grinder with peel to this mixture.

And this mixture, which can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator, is a real nuclear weapon in the prevention of colds, if you use it in the morning on a tablespoon. Twist in a meat grinder the following products: two lemons (with peel), one glass of raisins and walnuts and 0.5 cups of dried apricots.

If the disease still could not be avoided, then lemon juice will perfectly help speed up the healing process. For example, they can gargle, diluting the juice in half with water.

Lemon for pressure problems

Not so famous, but no less significant is the role of lemon in the treatment of hypertension and even hypotension. With the last problem, regular consumption of a drink of water, lemons and honey helps a lot (there is a certain recipe for its preparation).

And hypertensive patients all over the world have long appreciated the effect of not only the famous lemon-garlic tincture, but simply a combination of these products. Regular consumption of lemon juice helps to cleanse the liver, which is also very important for the normalization of blood vessels. The main thing is to carefully use lemon if there is a problem of high acidity.

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