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Useful properties of pine nuts

Useful properties of pine nuts
Useful properties of pine nuts

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Video: 11 Health Benefits Of Pine Nuts || Pine Nuts 2024, July

Video: 11 Health Benefits Of Pine Nuts || Pine Nuts 2024, July

There are about 20 species of pine, the seeds of which are nuts, suitable for food. Such pines grow in Europe and Asia, in the Americas. Oriental healers, Native American shamans and Renaissance healers knew about the beneficial properties of pine nuts.


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Nutrition Facts of Pine Nuts

Pine nuts are a unique source of easily digestible protein rich in various amino acids. 100 grams of nuts contain 31 grams of protein. For this reason, snacking from nuts is recommended for athletes after heavy physical exertion. Nuts should be given to schoolchildren, whose growing body constantly needs "building" material for muscles. Of course, nuts should not be abused, because the same portion contains about 600 calories, almost half the daily diet of a healthy adult. Pine nuts are also rich in vitamins, especially E and B1, as well as monounsaturated acids and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and calcium.

In Italy, where the famous pesto sauce is made from pine nuts, they are called pine nuts.

Pine nuts for weight loss

Despite the high calorie content, pine nuts are recommended for those who want to lose a few extra pounds. The secret of the effectiveness of cedar nuts in the diet is in pinolenic acid. The mechanism of its effect is based on the release of two hormones that suppress the feeling of hunger.

Health Benefits of Pine Nuts

Being a source of monounsaturated fats, pine nuts help prevent heart attacks by lowering blood cholesterol. Antioxidants in pine nuts slow down the aging process, reduce the risk of cancer. Lutein, one of these antioxidants, is important in the prevention of eye diseases, especially cataracts and macular degeneration. Iron is a "participant" in many processes in the body, including it contributes to nervous regulation and proper blood circulation. Copper, which is also part of these nuts, contributes to better absorption of iron. Magnesium not only fills you with energy when you get tired, it also has the ability to relieve tension and relieve muscle cramps. Nuts can be consumed raw inside, infused with vodka, added to baked goods and salads, and the oil obtained from pine nuts is also useful.

In some cases, pine nuts can cause a prolonged taste disturbance, leaving a metallic, bitter aftertaste in the mouth for weeks.

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