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Is smoked cheese good for you?

Is smoked cheese good for you?
Is smoked cheese good for you?

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Video: How you've been melting cheese WRONG your entire life - BBC 2024, July

Video: How you've been melting cheese WRONG your entire life - BBC 2024, July

In ordinary grocery stores of smoked cheeses, only two types are most often found - Sausage and Pigtail. In reality, there are much more. Different types of cheeses are smoked - cheddar, gouda, mozzarella, processed, etc. They are extremely tasty and fragrant. Discussing whether smoked cheese is healthy is only possible from a quality perspective. And for this you need to know how the product was produced.


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How to make smoked cheese

Cheesemakers produce smoked cheeses in two ways - cold and hot. The cold smoking method can take from one week to one month, the duration of the process depends on the variety. Smoked cheeses at a temperature of +21 to + 32 ° C. Characteristically, this method does not require total control, therefore, at most enterprises smoked cheeses are made in the cold way without direct human involvement.

The hot smoking method is more complicated, the technological process takes place at a temperature of +38 to + 88 ° C and is under constant human control. True, this production takes less time than with the cold method. With both methods, useful substances do not lose their qualities, because Direct smoke treatment is mainly applied to the surface of cheeses. The yellowish-brown crust formed during smoking contributes to the preservation of the beneficial components enclosed under it.

There is another way to produce smoked cheeses, but the word "smoked" in this case should be enclosed in quotation marks and not mention the excellent taste and divine aroma of the product. Because these cheeses were not smoked in smokehouses, but "bathed" in liquid smoke. And even if this “smoke” is of high quality, and “natural smoldering products of various types of wood” were used in its production, the cheeses that visited it cannot be called smoked by definition. But they are called. And yet cheeses are different. Those that came out of liquid smoke can be easily recognized by price (it is several times lower), and then, of course, by taste and other properties.

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