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Why you need to eat meat

Why you need to eat meat
Why you need to eat meat

Video: The Protein Myth – Think You Need To Eat Meat? Think Again 2024, July

Video: The Protein Myth – Think You Need To Eat Meat? Think Again 2024, July

Discussions about the benefits and dangers of meat have been going on for quite some time. Vegetarians and some fighters for a healthy lifestyle argue that all valuable nutrients can be obtained from plant foods and milk. And how true is this statement?


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Man, as conceived by nature, is an omnivorous mammal. The structure of the oral cavity (in particular, teeth) and digestive organs suggests that the human body is able to digest and assimilate meat.

If you refuse meat completely, a person will not receive all the nutrients in full. After all, even schoolchildren know that protein is a building material for the formation of new cells, and we are talking about a protein of animal origin.

Meat helps maintain normal blood sugar levels, thanks to fats and protein contained in its composition.

Natural meat products contain vitamins A and D, which ensure the normal functioning of all systems. These elements are necessary for the full growth of the child's body. B vitamins contribute to the proper functioning of the nervous and immune systems. By the way, vitamin B12 is absorbed only from food of animal origin. There are also essential minerals in meat. Zinc helps to recover after serious illnesses, contributes to the proper development of the muscular system. Iron maintains hemoglobin at the right level, with anemia, red meat should be in the daily diet of a person.

Amino acids are used by the body to build its own tissues: bone, muscle, connective, etc. For the human body to function properly, 20 essential amino acids are needed. But the body itself is able to synthesize only 12 of them, the rest of the person receives from meat food.

Meat is a good supplier of energy, thanks to it a person stays full longer.

Speaking about the benefits of meat, one should not forget that we are talking about meat dishes cooked at home. It can be boiled, stewed or baked meat. Roasted, smoked meat, purchased semi-finished products, sausages and sausages will bring nothing but harm to the body. In addition to meat, they contain dyes, flavorings, thickeners and even carcinogens.

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