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Shortcake Lemon Pie

Shortcake Lemon Pie
Shortcake Lemon Pie

Video: Lemon Tart Recipe 2024, June

Video: Lemon Tart Recipe 2024, June

Wonderful lemon tart from shortcrust pastry will certainly please your homemade ones. It is not difficult to cook it, you just need to do everything in exact accordance with the recipe. It takes about an hour to cook.


Pick your recipe

To prepare a lemon pie at the rate of 8 servings, you will need to prepare the following ingredients: a packet of margarine for baking, flour - 400 g, a couple of glasses of sugar, two eggs, one large lemon, a little soda, salt to taste.

First prepare the lemon filling. Wash the lemon and rub on a medium grater with zest. Try to choose the seeds. Put the grated lemon aside. Margarine should be softened with a microwave or let it stand for half an hour at room temperature. Grate the margarine with a glass of sugar until you get a homogeneous mass of white.

Break the eggs into a separate bowl. Take out one yolk and save it - then they will need to grease the cake. Enter the remainder into the crushed margarine. Salt a little and mix until the mass becomes homogeneous. It is better to knead shortcrust pastry in one direction. It is most convenient to carry out this action with a blender, for which the first two minutes of kneading should be carried out at low speed, then accelerated. Add soda, flour, mix everything again.

When using domestic flour, a little more should be added. She has less gluten, and the dough is not quite the consistency that it should be.

Heat the oven to 160 degrees. Divide the dough in half, place one half in a baking dish and smooth it to make a cake 1 cm thick. Grated lemon mix with the rest of the sugar, stir and put on the cake. This cannot be done before - the lemon immediately gives off juice. Lay the rest of the dough on top and straighten it in the form with a rolling pin. Lubricate the surface of the lemon pie with the yolk and place in the oven.

Bake the cake for about half an hour, the top should be golden. Remove the finished lemon pie from the mold and sprinkle the top with icing sugar.

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