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Nuts Helping to Lose Weight

Nuts Helping to Lose Weight
Nuts Helping to Lose Weight

Video: Can Nuts Help You Lose Weight? | The New York Times 2024, July

Video: Can Nuts Help You Lose Weight? | The New York Times 2024, July

The nutrients that nuts are rich in are vital products for humans. Doubly nuts will be useful to those who want to lose weight. Why should nuts be eaten if a woman goes on a diet?


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Pistachios - a source of gamma tocopherol

Gamma-tocopherol, found in greenish-colored pistachios, is a certain form of vitamin E that can prevent a nervous system disease such as Parkinson’s disease. This vitamin manages to defeat some types of cancer, a common Alzheimer's disease. The presence of a significant amount of potassium in pistachios has a beneficial effect on cell health. Preservation of vision is provided by lutein, a pigment zeaxanthin contained in pistachios.


The balance of proteins and carbohydrates in almonds revealed by experts allows the replacement of wheat flour with almond flour, which should be used in the preparation of a number of dishes. The advantage of almonds is a direct connection with an increase in serotonin, which reduces appetite. The effectiveness of almonds for weight loss has been proven by scientists who have found that dieters need only one handful (30 grams) per day. Enriched with healthy fats, almonds contribute to bone formation and improve brain function. Snacking pistachios before the main meal allows you to fully satisfy your hunger.

Universal walnut

Walnut is indispensable in the preparation of culinary delights, the universality of which is also used in weight loss. Due to the presence of microelements of copper and manganese, eating this type of nut accelerates metabolism, which leads to intense fat burning. Ellagic acid contained in nuts is also involved in the process of weight loss, and acts as an active fighter against cancer.

Gentle Cashew

Cashew nut is indispensable for maintaining the immune system. Saturated in large quantities with iron, this nut supplies the cells of the body with the oxygen necessary for zinc to function. The inherent oiliness of cashews does not make it caloric. Experts have found that 1 and a half cashews account for 5 and a half kilocalories. The nut causes a feeling of fullness and prevents weight gain in the event that there is it up to 5 kernels per day. Cashew contains so-called unsaturated fatty acids, which are not stored in stocks but burned.

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