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Blackcurrant fritters

Blackcurrant fritters
Blackcurrant fritters

Video: The Ultimate Berry Crumble - Food Wishes 2024, July

Video: The Ultimate Berry Crumble - Food Wishes 2024, July

Fritters are probably one of the oldest batter dishes, so well known and loved by us from a young age, and fritters with the addition of yeast are even tastier and more magnificent. Moreover, any homemade jam or jam is the best suited for them.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 0.5 l of milk

  • - lemon juice

  • - 50 g sugar

  • - 350 g baking flour

  • - egg

  • - 50 g of fresh yeast

  • - 60 g butter

  • - baking powder, salt

  • - 200 g of black currant

  • - can of condensed milk

  • - 3 tablespoons honey

  • - icing sugar

  • - sunflower oil

Instruction manual


Heat the milk a little, pour sugar into it and add the yeast, and then combine with all the other components to make the dough. Finally, in a thin stream, introduce the melted butter, continuously stirring the dough.


Leave the bowl with the dough in a warm place and wait for it to increase 1.5-2 times. Heat the pan with sunflower oil well, spread pancakes with a diameter of about 8 cm on it with a tablespoon and bake on one side until golden. When the dough is slightly fried from below, put currants on the pancakes and gently push it into the dough.


Then flip the fritters and brown the other side with the berries. On each plate, build a small tower of three pancakes, greasing each layer with whole condensed milk. If desired, decorate your dish with melted honey, fruits and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Useful advice

If you don’t have fresh yeast on hand, use dry yeast, only take half less. And so that the yeast begins to work as soon as possible, be sure to soak them in warm milk.

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