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Queen Elizabeth's fritters

Queen Elizabeth's fritters
Queen Elizabeth's fritters

I present to you a recipe for pancakes, otherwise known as “Scottish pancakes, ” which Queen Elizabeth made for President Dwight Eisenhower on the occasion of his visit to Balmoral Castle in 1959. According to the National Archives, they were cooked according to a family recipe. Later, she sent a letter to the president and attached a prescription in which she recommended using molasses instead of powdered sugar.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 400 g flour

  • - 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar

  • - 200 ml of milk

  • - 2 eggs

  • - 2 teaspoons of soda

  • - 1 teaspoon of bite

  • - 2 teaspoons melted butter

Instruction manual


European oil had a higher fat content than regular oil, so if you have village oil, then your pancakes will be more like the ones the queen did. Most fritters recipes add a little salt. It is not known whether the queen used salted butter or regular butter, there are no indications of this in the recipe.

The original recipe mentions an ingredient like cream of tartar. In fact, these are salts of tartaric acid, or the so-called "tartar." It was used to make wine to start the fermentation process. In this recipe, we replaced these ingredients with ordinary baking soda and vinegar to make the pancakes lush. You can also add some cornstarch.


In a large container, mix flour, baking soda, half a teaspoon of vinegar, and salt. Stir eggs and sugar in a separate bowl. Add half the milk. Make a depression in the middle of the flour and pour into the milk-egg mixture. Beat until smooth, adding milk until you get the right consistency - liquid enough, but not to spread in the pan.


Preheat the pan and cook over medium heat. Fry with a little oil, lubricating the pan with a napkin. Lay out the dough with a large spoon. When bubbles begin to appear on the surface of the oldies (usually after 2-3 minutes), turn over with a metal spatula. Sauté on the other side for a minute. The fritters should turn out slightly fried. Remove onto a plate and cover with a clean kitchen towel so that they do not cool off while you cook the rest of the pancakes.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve with butter, jam or honey.

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