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Odessa forshmak from herring

Odessa forshmak from herring
Odessa forshmak from herring

Video: ФОРШМАК из селёдки по - Еврейски | Вкусная намазка на бутерброды из селёдки | Forshmak from herring 2024, July

Video: ФОРШМАК из селёдки по - Еврейски | Вкусная намазка на бутерброды из селёдки | Forshmak from herring 2024, July

Forshmak is a type of snack. A dish is a paste prepared from fish or meat with the addition of additional ingredients. Forshmak is used, as a rule, with bread rolls, bread or croutons.


Pick your recipe

You will need

  • - 500 g smoked or salted herring

  • - 100 g butter

  • - 100 g apples

  • - Apple vinegar

  • - wheat bread

  • - ground black pepper

  • - 2 small onions

Instruction manual


Remove the bones from the herring and pass the fillet through a meat grinder. Chop the onion and apples thoroughly with a knife. From apples, first remove the peel and remove the seeds.


Remove the crust from several slices of wheat bread. Soak the pulp in warm boiled water, and then thoroughly mash it into gruel.


Combine apples, herring fillet and bread in one bowl. You can re-run the entire mixture through a meat grinder.


To the resulting paste, add black ground pepper, a small amount of apple cider vinegar and softened butter. Mix the ingredients into a homogeneous mass.


Serve herring mincemeat in the form of small medallions that can be decorated with halves of boiled eggs and herbs.

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