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Is it mandatory to sterilize jars for winter preparations?

Is it mandatory to sterilize jars for winter preparations?
Is it mandatory to sterilize jars for winter preparations?



For many housewives, the issue of winter preparations is relevant and, in particular, the question of sterilizing cans. If before banks were sterilized over steam, now it can be easily done in the oven or microwave. But is sterilization of cans really necessary? Or can you do without it?


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Banks are sterilized in order to kill all microorganisms and bacteria, which subsequently can lead to fermentation of products, their acidification or the appearance of mold. Definitely, it’s better to sterilize the cans. So homemade blanks will last much longer and the risk of fermentation will be minimized. But even a long preliminary sterilization of the cans will not give a 100% guarantee that the bank will not explode in winter. Here, the products themselves play an important role.

So can sterilization be dispensed with? If for the winter you roll compote from fruits or berries, then the banks do not need to be sterilized. As practice shows, it is enough to boil the syrup, pour it into a jar with the fruits or berries laid in it, wait 15 minutes, then pour the syrup back into the pan, boil again, pour it into the jar again and roll it up. The bank should turn upside down and wrap it in a blanket for a day. Compotes rolled up in this way are well worth more than one year. With this method, it is completely unnecessary to sterilize the jars over steam, but still before you put the fruits in it, the jar must be washed well with soap and soda, rinsed and dried.

As for jam, then everything is ambiguous. But for safety reasons, it is better to sterilize the jar over steam or in the oven. So the jam just does not ferment. Some sterilize already rolled cans by placing them in a pot of water. This method is also good, it gives a great guarantee that the homemade workpiece will not deteriorate over time.

Lecho, various hot salads are closed only in sterilized jars. Sterilization time should be 15-20 minutes, no less.

Jars for cucumbers and tomatoes can not be sterilized. They are poured with hot brine and put in a dark place for 3 days, after which the brine is drained, boiled and again poured into a jar. With this method, sterilization is not needed and cucumbers stand all winter.

Sterilizing cans is a desirable but optional process. It should be understood that it all depends not only on the can and the lid itself, but also on the products. Shelf life can be extended by putting in a jar a slice of lemon or more sugar, if it comes to jam or compote. If you are afraid for your workpieces, then, of course, it is best to sterilize the jars first, this will give confidence that the products will not deteriorate, and in winter you will enjoy delicious and healthy pickles, jams, compotes and home-made marinades.

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