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About the benefits of walnuts

About the benefits of walnuts
About the benefits of walnuts

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Video: 5 Proven Health Benefits of Walnuts 2024, July

Video: 5 Proven Health Benefits of Walnuts 2024, July

Of all types of nuts, walnuts have the most powerful healing properties. It is not for nothing that the ancient Greeks called them "acorns of the gods." Previously, they grew only in Central Asia, but thanks to cultivation, this wonderful tree can now be found on all continents of the Earth. They are used in the confectionery industry, cooking, the manufacture of oils. However, one must not forget about the healing properties of walnuts.


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It has long been proven that a person needs a set of trace elements and vitamins for the normal functioning of the body. If you look at a walnut, then in it you will find most of what is required.

What are the benefits of walnut kernels?

The kernels of the nut contain vitamin A, the lack of which has a negative effect on vision and skin epithelial cells. The largest group of vitamins B involved in cellular metabolism. If you disassemble in more detail, then:

- B1 promotes energy production in the process of splitting fats and carbohydrates;

- B2 accompanies metabolic processes occurring in the body;

- B5 is involved in the synthesis of fats and proteins;

- B12 normalizes the activity of nerve cells, is involved in the formation of red blood cells.

The vitamins C and E present in walnuts are considered excellent antioxidants that slow down aging. The nuclei are rich in vitamin K, which provides the absorption of calcium, which is necessary for bones and connective tissue, and PP, which improves microcirculation and blood composition.

In the walnut kernels there are also trace elements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus and others. There are amino acids involved in the formation of the skeleton, muscle and cardiovascular systems.

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