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Do I need to drain the first broth when cooking meat

Do I need to drain the first broth when cooking meat
Do I need to drain the first broth when cooking meat

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Video: The Biggest Mistakes You Make When Cooking Chicken 2024, June

Meat and chicken broths have always been considered useful and even healing dishes - they were advised to give people recovering from a serious illness, and children to strengthen their strength. But recently, more and more often you can hear about the dangers of broths and how to reduce this harm. One of the methods is the use of broth re-cooked on the same meat as food.


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Are broths useful?

A broth from meat or poultry is obtained during prolonged cooking, when the extractives and proteins, splitting, pass into the liquid in which these products are boiled. The breakdown of proteins, their hydrolysis, leads to the fact that the broth contains ready-made amino acids that the body does not need to digest. In broths, the basis of which is meat, and in those more rich, where finely chopped and fried bones are used, there are a lot of extractive substances. They stimulate the work of the stomach and the secretion of gastric juice, increase appetite and have a tinting effect on the body.

At the same time, meat cooked in the broth and giving it its taste and aroma becomes a dietary dish, which cannot be said about the broth itself. The doubts of nutritionists are caused even more by meat, which is used to make broths. It is no secret that various artificial additives are used at livestock enterprises and farms to stimulate weight gain of animals and birds, which can hardly be called useful even for an adult, not to mention children. Studies have shown that already 25 minutes after the meat is immersed in boiling water, the breakdown products of these additives and all other chemicals pass into the broth, even a bad “chemical” smell may appear.

The rich rich broths cooked in the traditional way are contraindicated for elderly people and young children, as well as those who adhere to dietetic food.

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