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Carrot diet

Carrot diet
Carrot diet

Video: I Tried Steve Jobs’s Carrots-Only Diet For 1 Week—Here’s What Happened | Fast Company 2024, July

Video: I Tried Steve Jobs’s Carrots-Only Diet For 1 Week—Here’s What Happened | Fast Company 2024, July

Lose weight in three days!

Pick your recipe

You will need

carrots, apple, lemon juice, vegetable oil, sour cream, kefir, honey, carrot juice, green tea

Instruction manual


From carrots we prepare a salad. Grate carrots and apples and mix with vegetable oil, adding lemon or any citrus juice. You can also replace these fruits with pomegranate seeds.



On the day you need to make four receptions of salad. You can add a tablespoon of honey for all four servings. Since carrots are rough food, we chew it thoroughly. In the evening, the salad can be replaced with carrot juice. During the day, it is better to drink green tea or water.


On the fourth day, add boiled or baked potatoes and some meat to the carrots. And then back to the normal diet.



Duration of the diet - no more than three days

Carrot diet

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