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Beauty menu
Beauty menu

Video: NIWARNEE Beauty Salon Digital Menu - AfterEffects 2024, July

Video: NIWARNEE Beauty Salon Digital Menu - AfterEffects 2024, July

As they say, we are what we eat. In fact, it is. Not only our health, but also beauty depends on the food that we eat.


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It turns out that skin health is directly dependent on water. Therefore, the more we drink it, the stronger the elasticity and smoothness of the skin increases. I’m talking about plain clean water, and not about all kinds of drinks. On the contrary, they remove fluid, and even more than they contain themselves. By the way, diets in which water and salt are limited greatly degrade skin health. So be careful with them, and indeed you should be extremely attentive to all diets.


Dry skin ages faster. This means that to maintain youthful skin, you must eat fats. The most useful are vegetable and fish oils. The first are found in seeds, nuts and olives. Also remember that free radicals are completely useless for our body. Therefore, include foods containing vitamin C in your diet.


Carbohydrate metabolism affects peeling of the skin. To improve it, you need to eat foods that contain nicotinic acid in their composition. It has beneficial effects on blood vessels and promotes the speedy healing of wounds and ulcers. Eat meat, fish and cereals.


Beef and lamb contain a special set of microelements that strengthens hair very well. Therefore, eat meat so that your hair does not thin. Good luck

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