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Video: Top Best 10 Relaxation & Stress Relief Gadgets 2024, June

Video: Top Best 10 Relaxation & Stress Relief Gadgets 2024, June

Hard work, life, obligations - all these are stress factors that often lead to a state of stress and a breakdown. What foods can help fight stress and give you a good mood?


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Fresh apple. It acts as an antidepressant, encouraging neurotransmitters - the cells responsible for our mood. And in combination with sesame seeds it also provides a painkiller effect.


Replace classic breakfast cereal with oatmeal with fresh berries. This breakfast has a huge amount of vitamins, which will help to actively begin a busy working day. In addition, oatmeal is rich in serotonin, which is called the "hormone of happiness."


Warm water with lemon. This drink is considered cleansing and gives strength in the fight against stress for the whole day.


Dark chocolate. Sometimes a little sweet is helpful, especially during tense moments. As they say, sweets are nutrition for nerves. Eat a bar of chocolate, but only necessarily dark, high in cocoa. The antioxidants contained in it raise the level of endorphins and serotonin.


Oily red fish supplies the body with enough Omega 3 fatty acids, which create a protective wall against stress and the diseases it causes.


Oysters for a spoiled consumer. Small shells contain a huge amount of selenium and zinc. These trace elements are beneficial to the immune system and help the body become more resilient from stress.


Bread causes fermentation in the stomach, so it is better to refuse it or reduce consumption.


Beef also helps in controlling stress. Ideally, if it is meat from a village where cows feed exclusively on grass, this meat contains important antioxidants that eliminate free radicals in the body, slowing down the aging process and preventing numerous stress-related illnesses.

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